Chapter 1: G-Force

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Instructor's voice:
Geotronium. This is the hardest metal in the entire Omniverse and one of the most sought-after materials. Not only is it 5000 times stronger than titanium it also does not need to be in an alloy to be that strong so it is useful even in its purest form. Geotronium also cannot only absorb but completely dissipate radiation, it's so effective it can reverse the effects of radiation like Cancer, mutations, and radiation poisoning. So it's not only useful in engineering, but it's also useful in medicine.

The Geotronium ore when refined contains another useful metal called Gravatronium. This metal can manipulate the strength of gravity. Making it either stronger or weaker, it can also change the direction of the pull of gravity and mimics the repelling effect of magnets.

With these metals we have created weapons, machines have
advanced our civilization and we have risen to great power. Sentients throughout the universe would kill for these metals but we Geotronians are not to be trifled with because we are The greatest civilization in the universe. How honored you must be to defend such a race.

"I don't feel so honored," says one of the boys in the class.
The instructor looks down at him with concern.


Why must I be honored if I don't have a mother or father who will be happy for me when I win?

I see. (pauses) It is quite a shame, your parent's demise. But what a gift they had left you with. One of the greatest honors of our people is to serve in our military. That I believe was the last thing they did, yes? They handed you over to us.


They knew what was best for you. You get to serve a greater cause, I do not expect you to understand that right now but what a great cause indeed to serve our great and mighty leader, the Eeyohan. It is her pride you must strive to obtain. So if it's pride and praise you want she is the one you must seek to impress, all of you must seek to impress.

A girl standing next to this boy blurts out.

I strive to honor our Eeyohan.

As you should

But… will the Eeyohan love me as
my mother did.

Love? Oh, poor child that's all you want isn't it. (She kneels to meet the boy's eyes) I understand but you are now a Geotronian Soldier. You cannot feel love, you can feel nothing at all. (Pauses as the boy gives a hopeless look) That is unless you want to die. Do you want to die? (boy shakes his head)  No? (She stands and gives him a dominating grimace) You live for your people, you live for the Eeyohan, you are expendable and easily replaceable, you are not precious and therefore cannot be loved. You are nothing more than a tool and tools know no love, only duty. The training shall drill that into your skull and after, you might be useful enough to have some worth. Until then, listen and forget love.

The girl next to him snickers and giggles and the teacher continues with her lesson. The boy's name is Yameno Amaram and the girl is his younger sister Asheera.
They lived in a small village called Verandan; it was a poor neighborhood in a sub-rural area. They lived in a shanty house and they did not have much. They lived every day eating just one meal a day. Two if they got lucky but there were some times when they would not see food for a day or two.

Yameno loved it. He was completely content with his life despite knowing he was poor. He thought that maybe he might be a laborer one day, say a carpenter like his father, or be a miner, a huge honor in Geotron. He didn't dream of wealth, power, fame, fortune, or glory; he just wanted to live in the moment.
His sister however was the attention-seeking type. A real troublemaker who was always looking for a fight.
She dreamed of power, glory, and adoration and resented living in poverty.

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