Chapter 3: Flight

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Registration for teams was almost over and Yamenos' team was the last to register.

Drill sergeant:
Onet Sesia Code P_67989-3012-054, Matiama Olario Code P_98391-3012-024,
Yameno Amaram Code P_55537-3012-297. I have to say Yameno you are quite average.
Have you come together and vowed to protect and look out for one another as brothers in arms to serve the Eeyohan and her people?

Yes sir (Matiama nods)

Drill sergeant:
Have you chosen a leader? If so, let the leader step forward. (Onet steps forward). I see you are fulfilling your destiny as a leader.

I am.

Drill sergeant:
A wise decision. What are your teammates' code names?

I am, code name; Heiress.
Matiama Olario is code name; Savage
(Matiama nod in gleeful agreement)
As for Yameno, we have no code name yet.

Drill sergeant:
Well come up with one soon you need it for future missions. Do you at least have a code name for your team?

We do. We are; The fates.

Drill sergeant:
Good choice.
Okay, everyone to the wormhole generator we are going to the site where you will learn your next skill.

The privates walk into the wormhole and walk out on a giant floating rock in the sky. Looking around there are many other floating rocks that work like platforms and look like arenas. Giant creatures fly around the smallest the size of Asian elephants and the biggest twice the size of blue whales. They are Grey and seem to blend in and even hide well in the Grey sky. They look like giant sting rays.

Drill sergeant:
Welcome to Ovilions keep. I can see the giant Ovilions have caught your attention.

They're gigantic.

They are beautiful.

Drill sergeant:
Yes, most of these are very young ovilions using the very thick air and the lighter gravity of this area to learn how to do what we are learning to do today. Privates today we are going to learn (begins to float) How to fly.

Most of you already know the technique. In the Abyss you were all enduring a high G-force. For you to sustain standing at attention for so long most of you were subconsciously doing one of three things. Creating a reverse current of gravity to push away the gravity acting upon you. Reversing the flow of gravity acting on you or reducing the G-force acting on you.

To fly you can use each of these methods but to fly well you need to use all three of these with good balance and control.

Your challenge today is to hover one inch of this platform for one hour.

Easy. (begins to float)

Hmm, seems easy enough. (sitting in. Lotus also begins to float)

Alright then, here we go (begins to float)

Whoa, you're a natural.

No have gotten some training from back home. Flying is one thing I have been working on for a while.

Matiama suddenly shoots up into the air and slams himself against the above platform. Then falls back down.

Matiama! Are you okay? (Matiama nods) you used too much G-force you need to take it way down.

(watching from a distance begins laughing) Can you believe those guys think they stand a chance against us?

No, I don't, Because they clearly don't care. At least not as much as you do. You should really work on your insecurities.

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