Chapter 6: The final Exam (part 1)

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A few months had gone by and every private seemed ready to go into the infantry all could withstand over 10 Geo Gs of force, they had their Ovilions trained, and most could fly and manipulate gravity.

In the time past, they had gotten upgraded weapons, armor and other arsenal suited to them. Weaponry and armor were also made for their animals that's including Asheera's Artheo she named juggernaut and Haims Warthogs Oz and Zo.

It has been a total of six months of training and now it was time for their final test to see who would make it into the infantry.

Drill sergeant:
Your training is finally over privates!! Now it's time to see what you are made of. Your final mission as privates in training is to defeat the enemy. One enemy, that's it. You are not going to be put in squads you will all be participating. You can work and strategize as you see fit but keep these rules in mind.
       One, you have 24 hours to capture the enemy dead or alive and keep him captured until you and the enemy are retrieved. If you fail to do this you all fail. Succeed and you all pass.
         Two. You will not be allowed to get out of the exam area. The area is protected with a gravitational force field to protect outside civilians. Breaking the field will endanger civilians and for that, you will be labeled a terrorist and executed immediately. If you escape in any other way you are a deserter and you will be captured and put to death
       Three. We on the outside will not help you. If you die, you die a hero, get injured you will be relieved of duty and be seen for your valor. Technically you can pass if you hide the entire time but that will hurt you more helping help you in the long run. Believe me, I know.
        If you would like to leave, here is your chance. You can return home safe e as a coward and in shame or risk it all in the Eeyohan's name for her people and be recognized as a hero.
      Does anyone wish to leave?

No one leaves and they all stand ready to fight.

Drill sergeant:
All right then. In case you have not already guessed this is a hard enemy to fight against. Use every advantage you have against it and hope it's enough to aid you or at least save you when things get out of hand. Now go through the wormhole generator and good luck.

All privates begin to walk through as drones followed so that the top army officials and the Eeyohan can watch. As they entered they were registered by their alphanumeric codes and were instructed to use their code names in the mission to protect their true identity from the enemy. As the animals the privates used were also let in, the privates began talking.

The enemy can't be that bad right? This is all just scare tactics.

They want to see us use all the abilities we have and how we apply them in battle so of course they will Scare us a bit but it could indeed be an intense challenge for the same reason.

(looks at Asheera grinning maniacally as she goes into the Wormhole generator ) I have a bad feeling about this.

The Fates are the last to be transported in before the exam began they look around the area as teams began to strategize and separate. Not very far from each other but enough that you could differentiate between the teams. The Eminence and other teams went to look for food and other supplies. The privates weren't given any supplies to test their forging skills and they wanted to secure shelter first before dark. That was noon it was now 3 pm and they hadn't gotten back like many people who separated in trios. The fates had already done their forging and had shelter, water, and food all they needed but Asheera's team wasn't back yet.

Where is Prodigy? I'm beginning to worry.

Your sister is fine.

How can you be so sure?

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