Chapter 5: Weapons

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The next day the privates gathered at base camp and assembled in front of the drill sergeant.

Drill Sergeant:
Alright, soldiers now things get interesting.  Now that your bodies have proven to be fit enough, you can now go on to learn methods of defeating your enemies. The first step you would expect is combat training.


Drill Sergeant:
This time however we are skipping forward a bit to weaponry. The reason is these are very powerful enemies we are facing and to improve our chances of winning this war you all need specialized weapons. Every one of you has a unique natural fighting style and the weapon you choose should work to enhance it not work against it.
Each of you will be trained to use standard equipment like utility braces or belts, A firearm, a melee weapon, and a heavy artillery weapon. Each is uniquely tailored to you. The weapons you choose will also influence the design of your armor.
Now before we begin, meet Dr. Gezex. He is the scientist that created the interplanetary Wormhole generator. He and his team will watch you train. Design your weapons and hand them over to the blacksmith to create.

Dr. Gezex:
Hello Privates, Don't mind us just choose and train with your weapons and we will do the rest.

Drill sergeant:
All right, soldiers. Pick your melee weapons.

An assortment of weapons was brought out and Asheera rushed to grab a giant Mace.

Oh, I have been dying to get one of these. Oh, you got maces too!! Those aren't even good; they don't have spikes.

They are clubs. Just not what you typically imagine them to look like. They have a long slender handle, and a heavy ball at one end makes them easy to carry. You can kill, cripple or just harm others with a small amount of effort and they are quite the perfect weapon for a spy.

Lame. Haim, what are you doing?

I can't decide what to pick. They are all so dangerous.

I suggest a small mallet like the ones blacksmiths use. It's easy to manage and it's not very intimidating. It's got a lot of meaning in the Noje culture. It's a good way to represent your heritage.

Yeah, thanks…

What are you doing? That's a kid's toy, pick a real weapon. Take the large weighted picks with an adjustable back.

I remember using them in the mines. I can't use them, they are hard for me to use.

(Grabs the picks and shoves them onto Haim's chest) Take them. Besides we wouldn't want to disappoint your daddy now would we? We need to be the best team in Geotronian history and that means being dangerous and intimidating. Man up Haim.

Onet's team comes to the weapons table and Onet spots her weapon of choice.

There they are.

Onet picks up metal balls about the size of grapefruits. They are very heavy and there are five in total.

At home, I learned how to fight with these.

What are they?

They are called battle orbs.

How do you even fight with them? Do you just run around bashing people's heads in? How do you even use all five when one fills your entire hand?

(Levitates them) Does this answer your question? Use your imagination. I will admit they aren't the easiest weapon to use. It requires a lot of brain power to control all five at once but in the right hands, they can be devastating. What are you picking matiama?

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