Chapter 21: Deserters (part 1)

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Dr. Gezex:
Once again, the Wormhole Generator has been completed and it's better than ever!!!
An audience watched the unveiling of the new Wormhole generator. It was built in Geotron low orbit and it was huge. It was designed to allow an entire legion of ships through at once and since it was not grounded it could be moved anywhere and it could self teleport making it harder to destroy.

As this, an announcement echoes across the planet. The Eeyohan meets with Generals, Strategists, and heads of clans to discuss the invasion of Tetenia. Onet listens closely to their plans trying her best to not draw any attention to herself.

I don't want that generator active until the day of the invasion. The scientist successfully made it work the last time surely he could make it work this time as well.

Chief Strategist:
Are you sure? He has let you down before.

He wouldn't dare fail. He knows he's on a short leash; it's not just glory he's working for, he's working to keep his head. Now that is a man you can trust to come through. If he doesn't I will make sure he regrets it himself.

Haim looks back at Haru who is supporting himself on a walking stick and Haru silently gives his approval, Proud of the man his son has become.

Well, there you have it.

Chief Strategist:
When will the invasion take place?

We can't say

Chief Strategist:
It's undecided?

No, we can't say. The Eeyohan doesn't want any surprises. If the last time was any indication, the Mimics are very good at hiding in plain sight; we can't risk having our plans compromised.

Chief strategist:
Didn't your chief Guard say the Mimics are dead?

That was years ago. If the Tetenians made them once they could make them again. Besides, she killed the one that led the invasion on us. We can't know for sure that he is the only one.

Chief strategist:
How do you expect me to work effectively without all the information I need?

You will make it work.

No, he has a point. Heiress!!

Yes, My Eeyohan.

Leave here and take your inferiors with you. This is now a private meeting with those in my inner circle. Do not let anyone in and eliminate treats immediately understood?

Yes, my Eeyohan. Move out!!

Once outside the room, The guards stand outside and begin to stand watch. Onet spots Yameno and orders the guards to carry out their order and says she will soon return.

Onet meets with Yameno and tells him what she heard.

So what now.

I will have to spread the news but not here once I'm alone. Do you still have it?

(eyes widened) We won't have to use it, will we!!

I hope not but given the way things are going we might.

Maybe not. I think we have time. The Eeyohan doesn't seem to want to rush anything she's making plans and that might take time. She knows the Tetenians are not to be trifled with and she doesn't want to take any chances. She has spent long periods planning invasions of lesser planets before. I think it will take a while and in that time we might have the plan to stop her.

Rroho watches from above, well hidden in the shadows

(To himself) Got ya


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