Epilouge of Part 1.

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The crystal shard from the battlefield Flies unseen into a construction site. The Geotronian Scientists and engineers were building a gigantic wormhole generator big enough to fit a couple of fully armored Ovilions at once

We finally did, the biggest wormhole generator to date it's glorious.

Head Engineer:
It's only a test sir, don't get too excited.

How could you not be? This is another step in our mission for interstellar domination. Previously we could only travel so far and only a few of us at a time. Either that or you had the natural power to match or surpass Gravatrax. This will increase our range a bit more for now but eventually, we could travel to any world with an entire army and much more easily conquer far-off planets some much further than Tetenia. Why stop at Tetenia when you could also take Aquareez, Solaria, Earth?
The Eeyohan will be pleased.

Head Engineer:
Let's turn it on first and see if it works okay.

The Head of Engineering pulls a lever and the space in the center of the machine's braces warps as a high amount of gravity collects at a singular point. A bright light appears and with a sudden boom, there is a rip in the fabric of space. The rip expands and becomes circular and the surrounding space seems to curve inward. There it was a wormhole.

Head Engineer:
Congratulations sir your calculations were correct we have opened a wormho…

The Head engineer's head suddenly explodes from the blunt force of being hit by the shard. The shard goes on to massacre the entire team present on the site except for the head Scientist who escapes by creating a wormhole below his feet and falling through. The shard then deals a significant amount of damage to the control panel of the wormhole and manages to set up the wormhole to explode after he goes through the giant wormhole.

It all happened so quickly and no one there stood a chance.

The moment the shard landed on its planet the ground around it shattered and came together to form a humanoid body. It laughed Psychopathically then rushed out toward the Palace.

He violently lands in the throne room and yells.


You dare make demands you!!! … Menace.

Believe me when I tell you he will want to hear what I have to say.

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