Chapter 14 : Unsang Hero (part 1)

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Yet again it was the unveiling of the wormhole generator scheduled the day before the graduation of privates to specialists. With two important days so close to one another everyone joined together to witness this historic moment given it goes right this time.

Onet and Yameno stood talking to one another when Matiama spots them from a distance. He runs to them and hugs them tight


Yameno :
I missed you too buddy, so how was Zatira?

Matiama, Yameno, and Onet all talk and laugh together as if they never split and their friendship was fresh as ever.

Haim watches with his arms closed staring daggers at Yameno. Rroho walks up next to him.

Not much has changed between them. I see they still seem to love one another. (Haim humphs) But you have changed, you are angrier and so have your pigs.

I could say the same for you didn't have the galaxy's most dangerous creature attached to your arm the last time we met. Not much though you're still cold if anything you've grown colder. Was Elo not everything you wanted him to be?

He is what he deserves to be right now. A forgotten man.

Not to you.

Never. He will always have a place in my heart. A cold, dark, empty, void. A place nonetheless. Look at you now though, the son your father always wanted. Asheera would be proud. Where is she now?


Ah, Onet.

Father meets Matiama. He's going to officially become a Scout tomorrow. He is telling us about his mission on Zatira.

Zatira. That is one of my future missions as well. Thank you for laying the groundwork for the kingdom's interstellar Interests.

Alkeron stretches out his hand and Matiama shakes it. Alkeron holds on for longer than he should, expecting a thank you.

He can't thank you without his hands, his mute.

Oh sorry.

(sign language) it's alright. Thank you for the kind words.

(sign language) You are welcome.

Matiama was at first surprised, then delighted that Alkeron could sign.

This man's smile is infectious. I like him. Onet I cannot wait till you graduate tomorrow and we can finally leave this planet together.

Matiama's face changes to confusion and Yameno gives a coy smile. Failing to look her father in the eye, she says.

Sure, dad.

I'm so proud of you, my love. It's been nice meeting you matiama's and it's been a pleasure Yameno.


Alkeron leaves and matiama concerned begins asking for an update on what happened.

Dr. Gezex stands in front of Everyone present and begins to speak.

Dr. Gezex:
Ladies and Gentlemen men for a second time we have come to witness history. Though this did not quite go as planned the first time. We haven't let it take us down and today is proof of the resilience of our people. The wormhole generator behind me can take us straight to our enemy. Finally, after years of preparation and training, we can finally claim victory for the Eeyohan and her people at large. But Enough talk. I am sure we are all anxious to see what we should have had years ago. The pinnacle of Geotronian technology, the interstellar Wormhole Generator.

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