Chapter 0: The Wolf

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It was past midnight on that late autumn night. The sky was clear, the moon was full and the wind was howling, or at least Jim assumed it was the wind. Jim couldn't sleep no matter how hard he tried, something was keeping him up.
Jim was an intensely attractive white man with short grey receding hair, a full beard and green-ish brown eyes. He wore oval-rim glasses, a blue sweatshirt over a white collared shirt and dark grey sweatpants. 
Jim stood at the kitchen counter and stared out the window of their countryside cottage-like home, wondering if it would snow soon. That was until Jim started hearing something. Assuming it was Turg, Jim told him "I'm in the kitchen, I'll be back soon." 
There was an eerie silence before Jim decided to investigate. As he moved away from the kitchen he heard it again followed by the sound of chickens panicking. It was most definitely coming from outside. Jim quickly put his light brown coat on and headed outside to investigate, using his flame spells as a light source. He was standing in the middle of the large chicken pen when a pair of red glowing eyes started staring back at him. 
"HEY! GET OUTTA THERE!" Jim shouted at whatever it was, assuming it was a coyote or something (though coyotes don't typically have red glowing eyes). The eyes then started approaching. As it got closer, Jim was able to see what the creature was. It was fairly large, looked like a wolf but had a humanoid structure and had dark grey fur. Jim would then assume it was some strange beast. 
"What the hell are you?!" Jim asked out of sheer confusion as he let his guard down for a moment. The beast stood up on its hind legs and stared down at Jim, it towered over him. Jim then knew what the beast was, it was a werewolf. He hadn't seen one in a very long time.
"That answers my question." Jim acknowledged the situation before then asking it "Listen, I would rather not deal with your kind right now, so could you please go bother someone else's livestock?" 
The werewolf then grabbed Jim by the collar of his shirt and lifted him off the ground to be on its eye level. It started smelling Jim before dropping him back down on the ground. Jim landed on his feet as the werewolf got back down on all fours. He readied his flames again and attempted to light the werewolf on fire, though only a little bit as a warning. Upon seeing the flames appear on the ground, the werewolf started bounding away and disappeared into the night.
"Well, that's the end of that." Jim said to himself, believing that the werewolf had run away. He turned around to head back inside only for the werewolf to reappear, bouncing off the side of the house and landing on Jim, pinning him to the ground. Its jaws snapped mere millimetres from his face. Jim grabbed onto the werewolf's arms and tried to light it on fire again, managing to burn off patches of fur on its arms. The werewolf cried out in pain as it let go of Jim, who used it as an opportunity to quickly get back up despite his upper back hurting like hell. The werewolf was on its hind legs again with its hands over where Jim had burnt it while glaring at Jim. 
"YOU WILL SUFFER FOR THIS!" The werewolf barked at Jim, who was surprised it could speak. The werewolf then started swiping at Jim with its claws, who was able to quickly dodge them as he tried to trip the werewolf so it would fall to the ground. While Jim was focused on that, the werewolf managed to grab him again and throw him to the ground. He landed quite hard on his right arm and lost his glasses. He tried to feel around for them only for the werewolf to step on it, cracking one of the lenses. Jim could still see without them but not very clearly. 
"Bastard." Jim muttered as he tried to get back up while the werewolf started rolling around on the ground, trying to get the pain from the burns Jim inflicted to stop. Jim knew he probably wasn't going to win the fight, as much as he hated to admit it. Instead of fighting, Jim would attempt to pacify the werewolf. While it was distracted, Jim took a deep breath, put his hands together and exhaled while spreading his hands apart. A golden aura emitted from his hands as he started to glow a little bit. It was an ability he learned from Turg and his family. The werewolf then stopped moving and its eyes stopped glowing red. It sat up and looked around before locking eyes on Jim, who had his hands out in defence in case it tried to fight again. 
"Where am I?" The werewolf asked Jim, who answered rather aggressively "You are on my farm threatening my livestock. It would be in your best interest to leave while I'm still giving you the opportunity."
The werewolf tilted its head and commented "You look very familiar." 
"I get that a lot." Jim responded as the werewolf stood back up on its hind legs and approached Jim. The werewolf then started sniffing Jim before leaping back with its ears perked up while exclaiming "No way! You're my uncle!"
Jim stepped back and stared at the werewolf in confusion. He didn't believe it. The werewolf closed the gap between them and rather excitedly explained "I've been searching for you for so long! I thought you had died and I was too late! I didn't expect to come across you during my late night rampage!"
Jim continued to try to keep his distance from the werewolf, he did not trust it at all. 
"And who are you?" Jim asked, it was the only thing he could say in response. 
"Oh, I'm your nephew, Kevin. You don't recognize me in this form, I am one of the candidates running for mayor." The werewolf introduced himself, answering Jim's question. Jim did know him, he was Kevin Pickens. He knew he wasn't related as he either outlived everyone or don't share a last name. Jim had changed his last name to Turgson after he married Turg over a year ago. Jim then told Kevin "No, I don't believe it. My half-siblings were born over a hundred years ago and none of them had kids."
"That's what you think." Was Kevin's only response to that before he asked Jim "You wouldn't happen to be for hire?"
Jim did not trust Kevin at all, he already didn't trust politicians and learned to not trust anyone with the Pickens last name. Kevin then continued "I need some people removed from existence and I don't kill people, but you do."
"Used to. I don't do that anymore, I am retired now." Jim told Kevin before angrily asking him "Now could you get out of here?"
Kevin towered above Jim and looked down at him with a confused look. He asked "So you don't kill anymore?"
"Correct, I am a lot happier now that I've stopped living that life." Jim briefly explained to Kevin, who smiled as he asked Jim again "What if I offered you a lot of money?"
Money was something Jim couldn't resist, he was always willing to do something if it meant he would be paid. Jim couldn't help but to be curious about how much Kevin would offer. 
"How much?" Jim asked Kevin as he laughed a little. 
"Oh, not much. Maybe fifty grand per kill and I want three people dead." Kevin offered as Jim started thinking about it. That was a lot of money, though it felt too good to be real. Last time he was enticed by a relative he was killed and used to bring back a previous incarnate of himself. There was a lot of things Jim still wanted to do but couldn't due to financial reasons that the offer would finally allow him to do. It would be enough to repair the damage Kevin caused on his property as well along with getting new glasses. Kevin then offered his hand-paw, it was shaped like a human hand but had paw pads like a canine would, while asking Jim "Is it a deal? I'll give you more details if it is."
Jim did not shake Kevin's hand, instead he told him "I'll think about it. You best be going though, I won't tell anyone you're a werewolf if you promise not to wreck my shit again."
"Fair enough. I am sorry about that, I don't know what came over me. I'll come back in a few days." Kevin responded as he got back down on all fours and started trotting away only to stop in his tracks to turn around. 
"Oh yeah, one more thing." He said as he trotted back to Jim. Before Jim could react, Kevin clamped his jaws around Jim's wrist, his teeth were sharp enough to pierce Jim's skin through the coat. A piece of his coat ripped off as Jim freed himself by quickly pulling his arm away. He shouted "WHAT THE HELL?!"
Kevin laughed a little with a big grin on his face before telling him "You'll thank me later."
Jim didn't say anything else, instead he held onto his wrist with his other hand as he watched Kevin run off into the night. 
"Don't come back you little shit or I'll feckin' kill ya." Jim mumbled as he healed the bite. There was quite a bit of blood around it that he would have to wash off and hope he didn't get infected with anything. As he started to head back inside, he picked up his glasses from the ground and saw that only one of the lenses was cracked. He could still see from them after a bit of cleaning though he would have to eventually replace the cracked lens. Jim just hoped that and the destroyed coop was the only damage he would have to deal with.

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