Chapter 3

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There was a stranger standing in their kitchen, however Turg thought he looked a bit familiar. He was fairly tall, though Turg was still taller. Had dark red-ish brown fluffy hair, a small beard that was mostly stubble, pale skin and had blue-ish grey eyes. He was wearing a leprechaun hat, a light yellow shirt with green suspenders that matched his green pants and shoes. Jim would be the first to confront the stranger. He stood up on his hind legs and was much taller than both the stranger and Turg.
"Why are you in our house?" Jim asked the stranger rather aggressively. The stranger put his hands out in defence as he stood back a bit while answering "Chill, Jim. It's Kevin."
Turg then knew who he was, though he was usually wearing something different whenever Turg saw him. He was Kevin Pickens, one of the candidates running for mayor of the nearby city. Turg wondered if he was related to Jim or if it was a coincidence. 
"So it seems your transformation went well. Hope it didn't cause too many issues." Kevin continued speaking as he looked around. There were claw marks all over the floors and walls, things were broken on the floor. It was just an overall mess. 
"It was you who did this?" Jim asked as he leaned closer to Kevin. Turg was ready to intervene if a fight were to break out. Kevin would then become engulfed in a red mist as he transformed into a werewolf as well. He was around the same height as Jim, dark grey in colour with a lighter grey underbelly and had red eyes that weren't glowing. He matched the description that Jim told Turg and Grim. 
"Do you like it?" Kevin asked Jim, avoiding his question. Instead of answering Kevin's question, Jim attempted to swipe his claws at Kevin, who quickly ducked so Jim would miss. Turg then wrapped his arms around Jim and pulled him back before things could escalate further. 
"I see we aren't the only not-quite-humans here." Kevin commented upon seeing Turg.
"Hurt him in any way and I'll end your life." Jim threatened as Turg told him "No. Don't kill."
"I would listen to them, I would rather you not kill me." Kevin also told Jim as he freed himself from Turg's grasp. 
"Speaking of killing, you thought about my offer?" Kevin asked Jim again. Jim did not answer, instead he glared at Kevin. 
"If you kill three specific people I promise I will make it worth your time." Kevin pleaded as Jim looked at Turg as if he was wanting approval. Turg wasn't liking Kevin, he was getting bad vibes off of him. Also of course, Turg didn't want Jim to kill anymore. Jim then looked back at Kevin and told him "I told you, I don't do that anymore. I am retired." 
"Clearly, you've gone soft. You aren't the Jim Pickens I was always told stories about." Kevin said as he started circling around Jim while sniffing him. He then commented "You are the correct guy, I can smell it." 
Kevin then proceeded to sniff Turg as well to add to his comment "This one smells unfamiliar."
"I don't know what your deal is but I would rather not deal with another relative after having dealt with Leehoimen and my deranged demon son." Jim explained to Kevin as Turg had become uncomfortable. 
"Oh you met Leehoimen? That guy's a lunatic, don't listen to a word he says." Kevin asked Jim, who replied with "He's dead now." 
"Lemme guess, you killed him? Like how you killed most people in this family?" Kevin asked Jim again with a big toothy grin on his face. Jim seemed offended by Kevin's words, Turg was able to read that on Jim's face. His ears were folded back and he was glaring at Kevin again. 
"We are a lot alike, Jim. Two Pickens who can't seem to die and can only cause chaos. Except I am younger and based off of the fight we had, stronger too." Kevin started explaining as he paced around. 
"Maybe I was meant to replace you, though I am not into killing." Kevin finished explaining as Turg was then certain that Kevin was related to Jim. Turg didn't think he was one of Jim's many children, perhaps a grandchild or a nephew. He looked too young to be older than Jim, then again Leehoimen looked younger than Jim. 
"If you want to replace me then do it. I don't care anymore. Just get out of here." Jim told Kevin as he turned around to walk away. Turg could tell that Jim was very tense and trying not to fight in front of Turg. 
"You're not going to fight me for saying that? Damn you really have changed, or someone is holding you back." Kevin continued speaking to Jim before making direct eye contact with Turg. Kevin would then quietly tell Turg "I know what you are, you're one of the beings from the magic realm. I don't know what your deal is with Jim but I just know you've done something to him."
Turg wanted to say something back but couldn't, he was too stunned to speak. Kevin came closer to Turg and continued telling him "He is a Pickens, he will eventually revert back to his old ways one way or another."
Turg shoved Kevin away and gave him an angry look. Kevin shrugged and said "Fine, if that's what you want to believe. Don't be upset when it happens." 
Jim would then return to chase Kevin outside where the two would remain for a bit, Turg did not follow them. Instead, Turg went back up to his room and thought about things. He didn't think Kevin was right, Jim went through a lot and willingly decided to retire from that lifestyle because of it. Turg laid down on the bed as one of the cats joined him. It was Chatty, the orange and white cat Turg found when they lived on the docks. Turg missed that home, he missed the time when things only seemed like they were improving. He lost all his previous homes to a fire and it was a big reason why he was afraid of it, on top of it being how he died initially. Though that fire is what caused Turg to meet Jim, which was the best thing to ever happen to him. 
Eventually Jim joined him in their room. Turg was still laying on the bed while petting Chatty. Turg looked over at Jim, noticing he was human again and also fully clothed in his iconic outfit. 
"I learned how to transform back." Jim said to Turg as he then added "Also, Kevin is gone. He won't come back."
Turg gave him a concerned look as Jim clarified "I did not kill him, rather I just talked to him."
Turg wasn't sure why his mind immediately jumped to that, it did seem like a Jim thing to do. But that was Jim Pickens, not who Jim was now. 
Jim would then join Turg on the bed and ask him with his gentle voice "You feeling okay?" 
Turg shook his head in response as Jim apologized "I'm sorry about him. Whatever he said to you I can assure you it's not true."
Jim then got closer to Turg and asked "Am I allowed to hug?"
Turg nodded, he appreciated Jim asking before he made physical contact with Turg despite him always forgetting to ask Jim. The two would end up cuddling in bed for a little bit while Chatty stared at them. Jim gave Turg a little kiss above his eye before apologizing again "I'm also sorry for hiding this from you, I didn't think anything would happen when I got bitten."
"It's okay. Turg will help Jim." Turg told him in response. 
"I appreciate it." Jim said back before adding "Also, sorry for eating anything. Didn't realize that was a side effect. Grim should be back soon if you're hungry."
Turg wasn't, despite not knowing how much time had passed since he last ate. Jim would then give Turg a kiss again before falling asleep, Turg was unsure of how he was able to do that when Turg would have to imagine characters in scenarios for hours before falling asleep, unless he was very sleepy. He wasn't tired or sleepy at all but didn't want to wake Jim, so he remained cuddling him until Grim returned.

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