Chapter 21

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The sun was starting to rise by the time Turg and Jim arrived back home. The nights were getting noticeably shorter. Nothing much changed at home, except Clone Jim was now there. Grim was with him, they brought him in. 
"Are you done lighting fires?" Grim asked upon seeing Jim, who responded with "I was gone all night and have bloodstains all over me yet that's your concern?" 
"I've known you for centuries, Jim. I know what you're usually up to." Grim told Jim before asking Turg "What about you, Turg? You doing alright?" 
Turg nodded in response, he was doing fine. Just glad everyone else was okay, including himself. Grim then grabbed something from one of their satchels attached to their belt and tossed it to Turg, who caught it first try. It was his amulet. 
"I also found that for you." Grim said as Clone Jim approached to announce "We also have a prisoner in the basement!" 
Turg put his amulet back on while Jim asked "A what in where?"
"We captured Kevin because we figured you'd want to deal with him." Grim explained as Clone Jim added "He's only locked down there, it's hard to imprison a werewolf. I would know."
"Oh, I was done with him. Unless he's done something else I am unaware of, you can free him. He wont be bothering us anymore." Jim told them as he started heading towards the stairs. Clone Jim looked at Turg and quietly asked him "Have you told him?"
Turg shook his head in response as Jim would then stop and ask "Told me about what?"
Clone Jim put his hands up a bit and explained "Okay, please don't hurt me over this but it was Kevin who summoned First Name and made me take orders from him."
Jim stared at Clone Jim for a few seconds and told him "I had a suspicion it was him. Thank you for proving me right." 
Jim then said to himself "If I have to go through any more character development I will develop into a villain again." 
As if he already wasn't one. 
"So am I cool? You're not gonna do anything to me?" Clone Jim asked Jim, who replied with "If I was going to do anything to you I would've already done it."
Clone Jim only gave Jim the thumb's up in response before moving himself closer to Grim, he was still afraid of Jim it seemed. The three then started discussing about what to do next but Turg wasn't paying attention, he was too busy petting all the cats and the fox that were surrounding him. Eventually Jim joined him while saying "Aww, cute kitties. And fox." 
Turg agreed. He remembered when Jim was against having more than one cat, now they had several and also a fox that wouldn't leave them alone. 
"We're gonna go interrogate the prisoner, you may come with us if you wish." Jim told Turg as he stood back up again. Turg declined the offer by saying "No thanks."
"That's fine, just wanted to make sure." Jim then said before wandering off with the others to go to the basement. Turg moved to the living room where all the cat toys were and started playing with them, as in playing with the cats. The older ones weren't as playful as the younger ones or the fox, who kept pouncing on everything. 
After a while Jim returned and Turg stood back up upon seeing him. Jim asked Turg "Hey, think you could bring us to a rather specific spot?"
"Where?" Turg asked as he put one hand on his amulet. 
"Remember where we fought First Name for the first time all those years ago? I- We need to go there." Jim explained as Kevin could be heard shouting "HAHA I'M FREE!"
Turg saw Kevin attempt to flee behind Jim only for Grim to grab him, preventing him from leaving. Jim instructed Grim "Let Kevin go, I'm done with him."
Grim let go of Kevin as he said "Finally. It's not fun being on the other end of that." 
After Kevin left, Jim asked Turg again "Anyways, think you can bring us there?"
Turg nodded, he sort of remembered where that was. It was near where he used to live before he met Jim. He didn't like that place and would rather forget it. Turg focused on opening a portal to that spot for Jim, Grim and himself. Clone Jim stayed behind. 
The sun was starting to set over the ocean that the ruins of the town laid on the edge of. Turg remembered what happened to the place, Jim burned it to the ground to get Turg's amulet back. A gesture Turg appreciated but would've preferred if Jim didn't burn the place to the ground. It wasn't the exact spot Turg brought them, it was further up the old road. The three stood at the edge before it started going down the hill that overlooked the whole area. 
"Feels weird being back here, I miss it sometimes." Jim started speaking, breaking the silence that was going on. 
"I thought you hated it." Grim mentioned as Jim replied with "Yeah, I'm just feeling nostalgic right now." 
Jim then started holding Turg's hand, they were rather hot to the touch. That or Turg's hands were just cold at that moment. Jim said to Turg "You were a little off but this is the general area. I don't blame you, even when we lived here we didn't ever go back to this area. Even I don't remember it."
With Grim up ahead a little, Jim started leading Turg back to the place. Nature had been taking over many of the former homes. Though Turg noticed some of them seemed to have been added onto or repaired as if someone was living in them. Eventually they reached the place Jim was talking about, it was across the road from where Turg used to live. It was just a clear patch of overgrown grass with an entrance that went under a footpath bridge. Turg noticed ravens flying in and perching in the surrounding trees. He still didn't know why Jim wanted to go back there.
Grim summoned their scythe and stuck it into the ground while saying "This is the spot." 
"What doing?" Turg decided to ask. 
"Getting rid of First Name for good. Hopefully." Jim answered as he knelt down next to the scythe. Grim moved themselves to be next to Turg as Jim started chanting "First Name! First Name! First Name!" 
Nothing seemed to be happening, besides the ravens beginning to call out. Black smoke began forming around them before it formed into a ball in front of Jim, who immediately stood back up and joined Grim and Turg. The smoke turned into First Name, who said upon his arrival "Alright, Kevin. I know what happened but I swear I'm not usually like thi-"
First Name then became stunned upon seeing it was not Kevin who summoned him, rather it was Jim again. 

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