Chapter 11

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"You really thought Jim Pickens would fall in love with you without some sort of gain? Man, you're dumber than you look." Kevin started to laugh at Turg, who still wasn't understanding what was going on.
"Turg don't understand." Turg told Kevin, who replied with "Lemme explain because I guess it wasn't obvious." 
Kevin then explained "I offered Jim money to kill you and to make Grim disappear just to see if he would do it. He then disappeared so I made his clone do it and it seems like he couldn't either. Pathetic little guy, not sure why Kevin expected him to be a suitable backup."
Kevin realized what he said and immediately corrected himself "I mean me! Haha, why would I waste resources making that thing when I could've had the real thing." 
Turg didn't want to believe it, Jim would never even think about killing Turg or Grim. 
"Turg don't believe Kevin." Was Turg's response. Kevin smiled as he told him "But Kevin is right."
Kevin then got behind Turg and tried to grab him by the arms but let out a small cry of pain upon doing so. Turg turned around to look at him as he laughed a little and said "Sorry, you're kinda cold."
"Anyways, as I was saying." Kevin began speaking, "Think about it, Jim has always been after people with riches, power or both. You come from a royal family, surely he's just using you to inherit something from that."
Turg knew that couldn't be true, he wasn't liking what Kevin was going on about. 
"You also have healing powers and that makes you live longer. He used Grim to extend his life and once they were out of the picture, he started using you." Kevin continued as he was pacing around Turg. 
"He took your amulet, which was sought after by someone who was willing to kill both of you for it. He clearly knows what it's worth and may have just decided to run off with it." Kevin kept explaining as Turg began to question how Kevin knew about that.
"How Kevin know?" Turg had to ask. 
"I have been silently observing you three for the past few years." Kevin answered as his voice would then change to another familiar one to add "I told Jim I was going to come back."
Turg then realized that the man he was speaking to wasn't Kevin, it was First Name. He changed his form to what Turg remembered him looking like. He was short, red-ish brown in colour with dark brown stripes, had spikes in a mohawk-type formation that were orange with yellow tips, had black feathered wings, a tail and a black robe. His bright yellow eyes always scared Turg, who couldn't believe he was still around. 
"Been a while since we last saw each other. Last time we interacted I was trying to kill you but you sent me back to my realm. I should've just focused on killing Jim now that I think about it." First Name said as Turg started slowly backing away. First Name laughed and asked "You're seriously scared of me? You're the only being here that can defeat me." 
Turg didn't want to fight, his heart was racing and he couldn't think or move anymore. First Name snapped his fingers as suddenly the surroundings changed and Turg no longer felt cold from the pool he was in previously. He recognized the place he was in, it was his old family's home before it was destroyed. Before he met Jim. 
"Remember this place? You used to have a family that lived here. They loved you and you loved them. You would do anything to protect them." First Name explained to Turg as there was a sudden explosion outside that shook the house and shattered all the windows. 
"That was until Jim took that all away from you." First Name then said as fire began quickly spreading around him. Turg backed himself into a corner as the fire continued to get closer to him. He started hearing his family call out for help but he couldn't do anything, he was stuck frozen in fear. 
"Your family needed you, but your fear of fire caused you to perish with them." First Name told Turg as the surrounding became dark. He then added "Some hero you are."
"Jim may have given you a second chance, but he only did it because it was convenient for him. As soon as you're no longer useful to him, he will leave you for dead, just like what he did to me and several others." First Name tried to explain to Turg, who still wasn't believing it. 
"No. Jim never do that to Turg." Turg told First Name, who responded with "You're just not getting it."
First Name then explained again "I am not trying to hurt you anymore, Turg. Rather, I don't want you suffering the same fate I did. You're very kind and caring, I wish I knew you when I was alive. If Jim really did kill you I would've brought you back, this world needs more beings like you in it."
"Turg don't believe." Turg continued to insist. First Name glared at Turg as he continued explaining "You're just not getting it. Fine, see for yourself when he inevitably betrays you. I'll be willing to spare you then." 
Turg was then on the floor, despite him not remembering to have fallen, and First Name was nowhere in sight. He started questioning if any of that was even real. Surely it couldn't be true, if Jim was really using Turg then he would've been aware of it a while ago. Or perhaps he was too naïve to realize it. 
As he got up he noticed that a door at the other end of the room was now open and it lead to a staircase. He wandered towards it and saw at the top of the staircase was another open door. He headed up the stairs and was then outside. Finally, freedom. Instead of waiting around for someone else to capture him again, Turg ran into the woods, he could see there was civilization at the other side of it. The sun was starting to come up again, which allowed Turg to see. 
Once he got closer to the other side, something would knock Turg to the ground and lay on top of him. Turg threw them off of him and immediately got back up while standing in a defensive position. Once he saw who it was, he got out of it to help them back up. They were Jim, the real Jim, or at least Turg hoped he was. Jim was wearing a blue sweatshirt over a white collared shirt, light grey-ish brown pants and his light brown trench-coat, which was the last outfit Turg saw him in. Turg immediately hugged him as Jim exclaimed "I finally found you!"
Jim would then ask "Where is Grim?"
Turg didn't know, he didn't know where he was when Grim jumped out of that truck. Turg let go of Jim, who would also ask Turg "And what happened to you? You look like you just witnessed something horrible."
Turg did indeed. He answered Jim's question with "First Name. Turg saw First Name." 
Jim then also had a look of horror on his face as he quietly said "So he was summoned back by someone. Fuck." 

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