Chapter 2

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A few hours had passed since that incident. Turg was very tired from it but couldn't sleep as he was too worried about Jim. Grim had put him in the fireproof room in the basement until he woke back up and went to check on him every hour. Even though Jim inflicted an injury on him, Turg was a lot more forgiving than Grim was. They were mad at him for hiding whatever was going on. Turg knew it wasn't Jim's intention, or at least he hoped it wasn't. 
Turg was laying on the couch by the fireplace with all the cats, who were also very on-edge as if they knew what was going on. Grim had gone back downstairs to check on Jim before materializing in the same room Turg was in while ranting.
"This man drives me crazy, it's a miracle how we are still married after all these years. I thought we promised we wouldn't hide things from each other anymore and here he goes hiding shit again. It's as if he doesn't trust us to help him. They say you can't teach an old dog new tricks but Jim isn't a dog. I guess these old habits are hard for him to break." Grim ranted before realizing that Turg was in the same room. They looked at Turg and then said "Oh, I didn't realize you were here."
Turg didn't know what to tell them so he remained silent. 
"Sorry, I'm just frustrated. I do love him, just sometimes he really tests my patience." Grim apologized to Turg. Turg did forgive them as he understood. Turg also thought about why Jim was hiding things from them, thinking back to when Jim revealed he also wasn't cis like Turg. He felt it wasn't important enough to share and preferred if others didn't know. 
"Jim thought it wasn't important. Maybe." Turg suggested to Grim. Grim thought about it for a moment before responding with "That could be it, though he usually shares unimportant things with us."
Turg also thought about it more as he then suggested "Jim don't want us to worry?"
"That seems more likely, he hates seeing you be worried." Grim told Turg as all the cats suddenly ran off. Turg then felt like he was in danger as quickly got back onto his feet while Grim asked "What's going on? Another earthquake?" 
Turg didn't know what was going on either, he just hoped it wasn't going to be absolutely horrible. 
"I better check on Jim again." Grim said as they dematerialized again. Turg kind of wished he could do that, though he was happy with being able to travel using portals with his amulet. A few seconds after Grim disappeared, Turg felt an overwhelming urge to also go with them to the basement. He started slowly heading towards the basement door but hesitated once he heard something running around and Grim yelling. Turg put his hand on the doorknob as something suddenly burst through the door, knocking Turg to the floor. Turg couldn't get a good look at it, the only thing he saw was a big white blur. Grim helped Turg back up and told him "Stay here, I don't want you getting hurt again." 
Grim then disappeared, Turg assumed they went after whatever escaped the basement. Turg took a peak down the staircase and saw claw marks all over the walls and steps. This was no ordinary creature's doing. Not wanting to obey Grim's orders, Turg headed outside where he thought they were to see what was going on. It was completely dark outside as Turg quickly put his boots and coat on to search for Grim. Turg ran out into the snowy field and couldn't see anyone or anything. That was until whatever escaped from the basement started running towards him from behind. Turg heard it coming and immediately turned around. It ended up pinning him to the ground with it's hands pressing down on his chest. It was big, white, looked like a wolf but with a humanoid structure, had a white nose with pink patches and glowing red eyes. The same glowing red eyes Jim had. Turg grabbed onto the beast's arms as he was starting to find it difficult to breathe, using all his strength to get the beast off of him. Turg started visibly glowing as he heard Grim shout "GET OFF OF HIM!"
Everything became bright as Turg would then lose consciousness, he was not dead thankfully. 
Turg would wake up again in his room. He was on his bed and Grim was in the room with him. Turg tried to sit up but Grim prevented him while telling him "No, don't sit up so fast." 
"What going on?" Turg asked as his vision was starting to clear up a bit. Turg would then notice the beast was sitting on the bed with him, though didn't appear to be hostile. Its eyes were bright green instead of red and was looking down at him with a worried look. Turg didn't say anything as he stared back at it. Grim put their hand on its shoulder and responded to Turg's question "Jim has been turned into a werewolf." 
Turg quickly sat up again, Grim didn't care that time. He wanted to get a closer look at who he assumed was Jim. 
"Yeah, and I don't know how to transform back. So we're going to have to live with this for the time being." The beast told Turg, sounding exactly like Jim. He was Jim, but as a wolf creature. 
Turg didn't see it as a big issue, he thought Jim looked very cute in that form, despite him fighting Turg earlier. Turg smiled and hugged Jim, his fur was very soft and Turg didn't want to let go. 
"He's taking this surprisingly well." Grim commented as Jim hugged him back and replied "Makes me feel a lot better."
Jim had to force Turg to let go of him only for Turg to start petting his head while telling him "Turg loves dogs." 
"I'm not a dog, Turg." Jim tried to correct him as Grim agreed with Turg "You are now."
"Jim very soft." Turg continued to tell Jim as he continued petting Jim. 
"Quit petting m-" Jim tried to tell Turg again but was cut off by Turg scratching him behind the ears. Jim liked that, his tail started wagging and he laid down on the bed, rolling onto his back while saying "Actually, that feels really nice."
Turg took the opportunity to rub his belly like he did with the cats as Jim then said "Maybe this isn't so bad." 
"You two really were meant for each other." Was Grim's only comment about what was going on. Jim stretched before rolling back onto his belly and curling up like a dog would. He yawned while saying "Hope you don't mind if I take a nap now, for once I feel sleepy."
"Fine, whatever." Grim replied to Jim before asking Turg "Are you going to be okay if I leave him here with you? I need to go on a grocery run because Jim ate everything."
Jim glared at Grim with his ears folded back while Turg responded with "Turg be okay."
"Alright, I'll be back soon." Grim said before dematerializing once again. There was silence between the two before Jim told Turg "I hope you're okay, I didn't mean to hurt you again. I don't know what came over me, I couldn't control myself."
Turg knew, he didn't think Jim would've done that intentionally. 
"It okay. Turg just hope Jim is okay." Turg assured Jim, who took a deep breath and quietly said back "I'll be fine."
Jim would then fall asleep while Turg continued to pet him. All was peaceful until Turg heard something that Jim also heard. His ears perked up and he lifted his head up to stare in the direction the noise came from. Jim stood up and started wandering towards it on all fours, his claws clicking on the floor as he walked. Turg followed him to go see what, or who, it was. 

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