Chapter 10

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It was a rather chilly night to be out wandering in the snow. The clone of Jim was leading Turg and Grim to where he claimed the real Jim was. Turg noticed that Grim was starting to get cold, their robe wasn't very thick and was torn in some places. He took off his cape and gave it to Grim, who thanked him. 
"Are you two cold?" Clone Jim stopped to ask before adding "I'm not."
"Probably because you're a clone. Clones don't feel temperatures for some reason." Grim answered as they then told the clone "Now keep moving. I'd rather be there sooner than later."
Clone Jim gave them an angry look before he turned around and continued moving. Eventually they came up to a road and Clone Jim had stopped. 
"Why have we stopped?" Grim asked as they were growing more frustrated. 
"You'll see." Clone Jim replied as a pickup truck pulled up to them. It was too dark for Turg to tell what colour it was. It also seemingly came out of nowhere.
"What's going on? That just appeared out of nowhere." Grim would ask as Clone Jim told them "It's best to not question it."
Before either of them could say or do anything, something covered Turg's head and was pulling him back. He would then fall unconscious from whatever he was breathing in. 
Not a lot of time had passed before Turg woke up again. He took the bag off of his head and saw he was in the back of a pickup truck that was headed somewhere. Something was very wrong about it, Turg didn't think they were being brought to the real Jim. Keeping low as to not be seen, Turg removed the bag from Grim, who was still unconscious. He tried to wake them up but was unsuccessful. Instead, Turg held Grim close and just hoped nothing too horrible would happen. Eventually Grim would wake up and immediately ask "W-where are we?"
They sat up and looked around, having their question answered by their surroundings. They then said "Right, we're being kidnapped. That's what I get for trusting a clone of our husband." 
Grim then leaned over the edge and told Turg "Come on, let's get out of here."
Turg stared back at Grim, confused as to what they were alluding to. Grim stared back and asked "What? You didn't think about escaping?"
Turg was afraid to, the truck was moving too fast and it was too dark to see the ground below. Grim held out their hand to Turg and told him "We'll do it together, it's better than risking whatever awaits us if we stay here." 
Turg took their hand and moved closer to Grim so he was also leaning over the edge. Without warning, Grim would hop over the side and disappear into the night, letting go of Turg's hand. Turg tried to follow but he froze up. He wanted to jump but he couldn't, he was frozen with fear. He kept trying to work up the courage but he couldn't. He laid back down and away from the edge, hoping that Clone Jim was being honest, despite his methods. Turg tended to see the good in most people. 
Turg didn't know how much time had passed since Grim had escaped. Street lights were now a common sight on the road as they approached a more urban area. Turg remained laying on the truck bed, even when it came to a stop. Clone Jim would hop in with him and notice that it was only Turg who remained. He sighed before exclaiming "Dammit! One escaped!"
He then made eye contact with Turg and said "Whatever, at least we got the one I was mostly sent for." 
Clone Jim then hopped back out of the truck and ordered Turg to do the same. Not wanting to get on anyone's bad side, Turg obeyed. He followed Clone Jim and two masked individuals to what appeared to be a tiny shack with only a door. 
"You'll find who you are looking for in there." Clone Jim told Turg as one of the masked people asked "What happened to just killing him?" 
"He may be more useful alive, we'll let Kevin decide that." Clone Jim answered as he opened the door for Turg. He then added "That's if he can make it to him."
Clone Jim would then push Turg inside, closing the door behind him. Turg immediately got back up and tried to open the door but it was locked, somehow. He looked around and saw a light coming from the bottom of a staircase, to which he decided to head towards. Turg would find himself in a narrow hallway going in two directions. Determined to find someone who wasn't mean, Turg headed down the left hallway. He continued to follow it until there was a random pool of water in the way. Turg headed the other direction only to find a dead end with a kitchen. He would find another hallway that also lead to a dead end that only contained a sofa. Turg was very confused by where he was, it was like a maze but with only three paths that were all dead ends. That was unless there was more beyond the random pool. Turg headed back to it and wondered if he could jump it. He instinctively tried to hold onto his amulet before jumping but forgot he didn't have it anymore, something that could've really helped both him and Grim out of that situation. Turg took a few steps back before running and then jumping, only to hit his head on the ceiling and fall into the pool. The water was cold and Turg quickly got out at the other end, taking a few moments to recover from that. 
After he recovered enough to continue, he stood back up and continued down the hallway, still dripping wet from the pool. Eventually he would end up in a fairly large and bright room. Harsh fluorescents, white floors, walls and ceiling. It made Turg's head hurt again. There was painting easels everywhere but appeared to be nobody else besides Turg in that room, that was until he heard someone ask "A visitor? At this hour?"
Turg would then see Kevin in human form approach him. Upon seeing him, Kevin would then say "Ah, it's you. Jim's- uh, new husband I think." 
Turg nodded in response, he wasn't sure what to think anymore. Kevin told Turg "I see neither of the Jims carried out their tasks, I guess you're just that powerful." 
Turg didn't know what Kevin meant by that and he wasn't sure if he wanted to. Kevin then asked "Come on, don't give me that look. Did you really think that man cared about you?"

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