Chapter 12

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"They jumped out of a moving vehicle? Not really surprising, I've seen them do worse stunts." Jim asked Turg upon discovering why Grim was not with him. 
"Knowing them they probably went back to the house, I hope." Jim added as he put his hands on his knees and said "Man I'm exhausted, been running around all over looking for you two once I realized I possibly- no... Definitely encountered that wretched demon child." 
Jim then looked up at Turg and asked him "Would you believe it if I told you he ordered me to kill you? Crazy, right? He really thought I would." 
Turg didn't think Jim would kill him, though he still wondered why he attempted to trap him in the magic realm. 
"Why Jim send Turg away?" Turg asked, his tone of voice was more angry than usual. Jim stood up straight and put his hands together while responding with "Uh, let's just say I thought I could trick him into thinking you two were gone so I'd get the money. Turns out that wasn't Kevin at all... haha." 
Turg felt slightly better that Jim had no intention of killing him, though he wished Jim would've told him that beforehand. Jim would then add while staring at his hand "I should've known something was off when suddenly he felt pain after grabbing my hand." 
Jim's eyes widened as he realized "Wait, I'm immune! Haha! I'M IMMUNE! HE CAN'T HURT ME!"
Jim did a little dance while quietly repeating that fact before coming to an immediate halt to tell Turg "So uh, don't worry about him I guess. He's not as big as a threat anymore, I hope."
Jim then reached into his coat pocket while mumbling to himself "Still don't know who summoned him in the first place." 
He pulled out Turg's amulet and gave it back to him, apologizing with "Oh yeah, this belongs to you. Sorry I stole it, I didn't want you following me." 
Turg took it back from him and put it on. He tried using it but it was in someone else's possession for too long, he had to wait for it to recharge. 
"Gonna assume you can't take us home yet with that." Jim said as Turg nodded in response. Jim then sighed and continued speaking "Guess I'll fly us home."
Turg was finding it unusual how calm Jim was appearing to be about the situation, considering he would always panic a little if he heard the phrase 'first name'. For sure he was not feeling calm about it. 
Jim summoned his magic broomstick and Turg climbed on with him. He soared across the open fields so fast Turg couldn't keep his eyes open. It didn't last long, few minutes past and they were back home. Turg was a bit dizzy after that and just wanted to lay down, which he went to go do. While Turg laid down on the couch he could hear the cats all start meowing at Jim as he told them "Alright alright I'll feed you all, damn." 
Turg continued to listen to Jim doing that before he paused and said "You are not a cat." 
Jim tried to let whatever he was talking to outside before he walked up to Turg while holding it. It was the fox. He placed the fox down on Turg and told him "I think this is yours." 
The fox leapt off of Turg and scurried off out of sight as Jim mumbled "Probably isn't a wild fox if it trusts us." 
Jim then sat down next to Turg and asked him "You feeling okay? Sorry if I made you dizzy."
Turg was not okay, he couldn't stop thinking about the encounter but wasn't sure how to tell him. Jim started rubbing his hand on Turg's shoulder and told him with his calm voice that Turg liked "I know, what's happening is scary, but it will be fine. It's probably best if you stayed out of this one." 
Jim was right, Turg couldn't keep repressing things forever and adding to it only made it worse. Turg didn't want to think about that yet, he wanted to focus on what was currently happening. Jim then stood back up and said "Anyways, I should go find Grim." 
He headed towards the kitchen while also mumbling "Should probably eat first though." 
Turg sat back up and stretched before deciding to follow Jim, he wasn't as dizzy anymore. As he approached the counter where Jim was on the other side of, Jim started rambling "Lately I've been able to smell every ingredient in things and have had the weirdest cravings. I hope that's just a werewolf trait and I'm not pregnant."
Jim then gave Turg a surprised look upon seeing him and said "I didn't know you were going to follow me."
Turg continued to stare at Jim from the counter, waiting for him to elaborate. Jim told him "I'm joking. I'm not spawning a child. I just really want to eat wooden chairs for some reason."
Jim then briefly eyed the dining room chairs before continuing to prepare food for himself, and Turg too if he wanted any. The thought of having another did cross Turg's mind a few times since they moved to their new place but he also thought it was too soon. He was starting to miss Default, Emilee and her kids. After a few minutes of silence, Jim broke it by asking "Are you happy here?"
Turg only nodded in response, he was always usually happy with anything going on and he loved being in the countryside. Turg was also a bit confused to why Jim would ask that. 
"Figured. I am conflicted for some reason." Jim then told him before adding "Maybe I'm just going through something and it'll eventually pass." 
"Jim okay?" Turg had to ask him. He responded with "Uh, I don't know. I don't really want to use you as a therapist any more than I already have."
Jim then added "Speaking of, I should really get one." 
"Turg don't mind." Turg insisted as Jim turned around so he could focus on what he was cooking on the stove. Jim sighed before replying "I know, you just want to help but you can't fix this problem." 
Turg could tell Jim was hiding something but thought it was best to not try to get him to talk about it if he didn't want to, so he decided to drop it. He just wanted him to be happy. Turg told him "It okay. Turg stop asking."
Jim let out a sharp exhale before telling Turg "And if I said that to Grim they'd get me to confess everything. Thanks for not doing that."
Jim then finished cooking and shared it with Turg before he headed out to find Grim. As he was leaving he said to Turg "Please stay here and don't go anywhere no matter what. I will return eventually."
Turg agreed, he didn't want to go anywhere at that moment anyways. He hoped Jim would find Grim, Turg had no idea where they could be. Only thing he remembered was they were alive and wearing Turg's cape. 

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