Chapter 4

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A few days had passed since Jim got a new ability that he was having a hard time controlling. It was something Turg still had to get used to. His husband could turn into a big fluffy dog man thing at any moment. Jim told stories from his past about the times he was a vampire and a merman so it wasn't out of the ordinary for him to become something non-human. Jim seemed to have come around to his new powers and Turg was just glad that Jim was happy, even if it meant he would randomly turn violent. Though his violent outbursts were manageable. 
During the night Jim was learning to control his new power with Grim, who was already technically dead so Jim couldn't hurt them. Turg observed from the window in their bedroom, watching as Jim discovered he can still use magic in his werewolf form, which only made him a much scarier opponent to fight. Eventually the two came back inside and Turg went downstairs to see them. Jim was back in human form with his clothes suddenly back on, he didn't have any when in werewolf form. Upon seeing Turg, Jim asked "Do you ever sleep when I'm not there?"
Turg didn't need as much sleep as Jim, he only ever got tired enough if he was active a lot or if he used his magic too much. If he wanted, Turg could last days without sleep and be fine. 
"Turg watch Jim." Was Turg's reply to Jim's question. Jim laughed a bit before then saying "You always are, ya weirdo." 
Jim would then give Turg a small kiss on his cheek as he wandered past him to go lay down on the couch. Turg happy stimmed briefly before going to stand by and look down at Jim. He stared back up at Turg and asked "You just love admiring me, don't ya?" 
Grim also joined Turg in staring down at Jim as he then said to Grim "And you've been doing it for centuries."
"Actually, I came to ask if you wanted something to eat before you start eating furniture again." Grim told Jim as he immediately sat up and responded "Right, but I'll get it myself." 
He headed into the kitchen only to stop halfway to turn around and continue speaking "I mean, I may be retired but it doesn't mean I will let you two take care of me while I am still capable." 
The three were silent for a few moments before Grim turned to Turg and asked "What did you do to this man?"
Turg couldn't tell if Grim meant that as a good or a bad thing. Grim then quietly elaborated to Turg "Before that incident, everyone in the family had to take care of him because he thought he was God."
"Hey! I may be old but I am not deaf!" Jim exclaimed from the kitchen. Grim headed towards the kitchen while replying "First Name humbled you real good." 
Jim didn't say anything else, instead he gave Grim an angry look before focusing on his cooking.
After they were all done that, Jim needed to go into the city and it was easy to travel using Turg's amulet, so Turg joined along with Grim. Turg didn't like going to the city as he found the noise and crowds to be overwhelming. As long as he was with Jim and/or Grim he was okay. Besides, Jim only needed to go for one thing and it was to get his new glasses since his other ones broke. While Jim was doing that, Grim waited with Turg in a nearby park where it was quieter. 
Turg and Grim were sitting by a fountain, Grim was in human form as to not scare anyone.
Grim's human form was more masculine in appearance. They had dark grey-ish brown skin, grey eyes and black curly hair. They looked dead as they had no life in their eyes and were cold to the touch. 
Turg had his hand on Grim's, despite it being rather cold. While Turg was daydreaming about things, a familiar man would approach the two. 
"Didn't think I'd run into you here." Said the familiar voice as Turg snapped out of his daydream and looked towards where he heard him. It was Kevin Pickens, again. 
"And I assume you are Grim, you dress like them." Kevin said to Grim as Turg started gripping onto Grim's hand to let them know he was uncomfortable. 
"How do you know us?" Grim asked, they were also suspicious of Kevin. 
"Oh, I'm Kevin and also your nephew, kinda. Only by law." Kevin introduced himself to Grim before he started rambling "Jim also works for me, kinda. Weird how that is, usually it would be the younger one working for the older relative. I didn't expect this but he doesn't seem to be the man I was always told about anymore. I guess if he can change over time then anyone can." 
"So you two are related." Grim said quietly as Kevin started eyeing Turg's amulet. Turg noticed and immediately hid it. Kevin laughed a bit before telling him "Relax, I wasn't going to take it, rather I was going to ask where you got that because I could use a piece of jewelry like that." 
Grim answered for Turg "It was custom made for him."
"I see, I'll have to commission one then." Kevin said as Jim would then join them. He had glasses again, the same oval shape as the previous ones. 
"Oh, hey Jim." Kevin greeted Jim upon his arrival. Jim didn't look happy to see Kevin, who would then say to him "I see you got new glasses, they look good on you."
"You're the one who broke my other pair, I should've made you pay for them." Jim responded as he got closer to Kevin. Jim gently put his hand on Kevin's arm and started leading him away from Turg and Grim while telling him "Let's discuss away from them."
Turg was then finding Kevin to be very suspicious and so was Grim. While Jim and Kevin quietly discussed things, Grim told Turg "I don't know who that guy is but I don't trust him."
"Turg doesn't either." Turg responded as Grim brought up "It's not a good idea to trust anyone in his family, as I'm sure you already know." 
To Turg, Jim's relatives made him look like the sane one. Perhaps it runs in the family. 
"I also can't detect him. Strange." Grim also mentioned to Turg as Jim and Kevin went their separate ways. Jim approached the two and said "We can go home now, unless someone wants to do something here." 
Turg immediately stood up and opened a portal, he really wanted to go home. Jim looked a bit surprised as he then said "Alright, guess we're leaving."
Once they were home, Turg told Jim "Turg don't trust Kevin."
"Don't worry about him, he won't bother us." Jim assured Turg as Grim asked him "What is his deal with us anyways?"
Jim turned around to face Grim and replied "It's nothing, trust me. He's just sorry for the property damage and will be paying for the repairs." 
"Last time you told us that 'it was nothing' when it came to a relative you died and we had to go through quite the journey to bring you back." Grim told Jim rather sternly. Jim raised his hands slightly and started backing away from the two while saying "Relax, both of you. Everything is under control." 
"If it isn't then I'll be hesitant to save your ass this time around." Grim told Jim as Turg tried to de-escalate the situation by saying "It okay. Jim don't want bad thing either." 
"Yeah, Turg gets me." Jim also said to Grim. 
Grim was silent for a few seconds before finally responding with "Fine, I guess I am just paranoid or whatever. Just please stay out of trouble."

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