Chapter 2: Aro's POV in Life

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I was on the beach, a random stranger came up to me.
  " Do you need the pain to be taken away?" He asked. I nodded. He grabbed my shoulder, firmly. I started to wonder what he was going to do, I looked at him straight in the eye. His eyes were pure red as blood, his dark-tan skin, his face looked like a god, his touch was cold that it went through my shirt. He hugged me, it was unexpected.
" I'm sorry for your loss." He said in my ear, he bit into my neck. It was...stinging pain, it burned and flowed into my skin. I screamed in pain, I bet some people from the village thought it was a wounded animal or a predator. The stranger let me go and let me squirm in pain on the ground. It was til sunset the pain was gone, that was the longest torture I had. I got up and went to the stranger.
  " What did you do to me? Why am I not gone?" I asked.
  " I changed you, I gave you a immortal life. A new life, a life which you will never age." The stranger said.
  " I have to live with this sadness, I loved her, dearly." I said in anger.
  " What is your name? My-"
  " Why should I tell you my name, I don't even know yours." I growled.
  " I was about to tell you, my name is Amun, from Egypt. And you are?" Amun asked.
  " I'm Aro, from my village. Why are you here?" I asked. Amun came over and put his hands on my shoulders.
  " I came here because I didn't want my village to suspect I was a predator. I'm exploring to find companions and a home. Will you join?" Amun asked. I started to see his past, I saw who he lost, his wife and child from a disease. He was sacrificed, no one knew he came back to life. Some saw him, thought he was a ghost, he killed the runs who saw him.
  " I'm sorry for your loss, Amun." I said with sorrow and sympathy. He looked at me with a confused look.
  " How do you know, Aro? How do you know I lost someone?" He was starting to get angry, " Huh, HOW DO YOU KNOW?!?" He grabbed my neck and shoved my against the rock, I heard my neck cracking.
  " I don't know, when you put your hands on my shoulders, I-I-I saw-your thoughts." Amun let go, I felt the cracks on my neck attaching. My throat started hurting, I grabbed my throat. Why is my throat hurting?
  " Why-why is my throat hurting?" I said in a rasp voice. Amun chucked, " Why are you laughing?"
  " You are thirsty, Aro. You need blood to stay alive. You can get vengeance to the people who killed your wife." He said, he was right, I should. I nodded. I ran to my village, it was night. I didn't know I can run that fast. I remember who was setting the house on fire, I went to there houses and broke in. I was to quick for them to see me. I bit their neck and ripped their heads off, a good sight to see. I left before anyone could see me. But, one person saw me...and I didn't kill her, it was my mother. Her face in shock, I saw a tear roll down her cheek. I felt guilt killing in front of her, my mother's eyes to see a predator bite into a person and rip their head off. I would be as shocked as her. I decided to run out of my village, to never come back. I grabbed a cloak quickly cause Amun told me to grab one. Amun and I left my village, we decided to travel the world.

His lust for Blood ( Aro x Reader )Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon