Chapter 3: Aro's POV in Life Pt2

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Amun and I traveled not too far, we broke apart cause I wanted to rule the group. I met with someone who became my brother, Caius. Then, later on, I met with Marcus, he married my sister, Didyme. Marcus and Didyme wanted to start a life, I wanted Marcus to stay in the coven. I had to do the one thing that I didn't want to do, I killed Didyme. Marcus doesn't know that though. A few more centuries into the 1600s, I met someone named Carlisle, we did grew close. But, one day, we had a argument, he didn't want to have humans anymore, he can't stand the pain. I just let him go, I didn't need him. I was forming a coven that grew stronger and stronger. Covens around the world were starting to form, newborn covens. There were 8 covens, the Egyptian Coven, the Amazon Coven, the Denali Coven, the Romanian Coven, the Irish Coven, the Mexican coven, the Olympic or the Cullen Coven, and last but not least our coven, the Volturi Coven. A few centuries more, it's the 21 century. We heard the Cullens have a newborn, we went to go check on them. When we arrived, there was a few witnesses to show the child she was mortal and immortal. I was shocked by one of the witnesses, she looked like someone I loved, long, long ago.

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