Chapter 9: On Our Way To Find You

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~~~~ Paul's POV ~~~~

We all are going to Volterra, Italy. We were running. I-I-I smell something. I stopped, Jacob stopped too. The Cullens ran a little a head but they came back.
" They smell her scent." Edward said. I ran and continued to follow the scent. We all ran and ran, we all didn't stop. No matter how thirsty or hungry I am, I must see if she is alright. I must protect her with my life.
Later on at night, we arrived in Volterra, Italy.
" So, she is here." Alice said. Jacob and I shifted back.
" Yep, she sure is. I need my clothes. Can someone hand me my backpack, please?" Jacob asked. Rosalie threw Jacob's bag to him.
  " Ah, shit. I forgot to pack clothes." I said. Something landed in my arms.
  " I made sure to bring extra." Jacob said.
  " Thanks man." I put on the clothes.
  " Ok, Edward, can you reach her mind?" Rosalie asked.
  " Yes, but I don't know where she is, she is not thinking the location." Edward said. All of a sudden, I saw a fast shadow run in the light of a city lamp. I took off my clothes.
" Paul, what are you doing? People will see you." Emmet said.
" What people? I don't see anyone." Jacob said. Taking his clothes off.
" Just be glad they don't take off there underwear and shorts." Jasper chuckled. Jacob and I shifted.
' Paul, did you see that shadow?' Jacob and I speak through our minds.
' Yes, that's what I said.' I said.
" I saw that too. One of the guards are here." Edward said.
" I saw it too." Bella said.
" I did see him...THERE!!" Alice pointed. I pounced on him where I predicted he will be. He fell to the ground, I heard a cracking noise. Emmet walked over and held the back of the neck. Jacob and I shifted back to our human form.
" Who is he?" I asked.
" That's Caius." Alice said.
" Unhand me." Caius said, fiercely.
" Tell us where Y/n is." Edward said.
" She-she is with-Aro—" Emmet was squeezing his throat more.
" Emmet, that's enough. Let him go." Edward commanded. Emmet let go Caius, Caius was on his knees. He put his hand on his throat, I heard his throat mend back together.
" You are going to pay for that but I know where she is. She is with Aro, in the castle." Caius said.
" What were they doing?" Bella asked.
" I dont know. I haven't seen much of Aro." Caius said. Bella walked forward to him.
" Bella, stop. He is speaking the truth." Edward said.
" We should head to the castle now." Jasper said.
" I will take you in there, I've got to take you guys in." Caius said.
" Why are you helping us?" Rosalie asked.
" Because Aro has been making me do all his part of the work. I know we have immortal lives but I enjoy my hobbies on my free time." Caius explained.
" Alright, let's go." Jacob said.
" Umm, ahem." Caius coughed.
" What?" I asked.
" Clothes." Caius said. I rolled my eyes, Alice handed our clothes. Jacob and I put on our clothes. We started walking to the castle.
We walked in, the guards were surrounding us.
" They are with me." Caius said. The guards moved and followed right behind us. Caius opened a door. Behind the door, we saw Aro.
" What do we have here, Caius?" Aro said.
" They all need to talk to you." Caius went to sat down in a throne.
" Aro." Bella said.
" Ahh...Bella. It's so good to see you all. What are you here for?" Aro asked.
" We are here...for my sister." Bella said.

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