Chapter 5: Missing Her/You

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When we arrived back at Volterra, I have been thinking about her Y/n, constantly. She looks like my long, lost love from centuries ago.
  " Brother, are you alright? You haven't been feeding, lately." Caius exclaimed. I'm not alright, Y/n has me wondering and thinking if she is mine or not. I got up and started walking. Caius and Marcus got up and caught up with me.
  " Where are you going, brother?" Caius asked.
  " I'm going to go feed." I said, sternly.
  " It's almost meal time, shouldn't you wait." Marcus said.
  " Why haven't you been eating?" Caius asked. God, too much questions.
  " I needed to lose a few pounds, I'm really hungry so no time to wait." I walked out of the Volterra Castle, leaving Caius and Marcus at the entrance, not going into the sun.
  " ARE YOU MAD?!? WE CANT LOSE WEIGHT, PLUS YOU LOOK ALRIGHT, ALREADY." Caius shouted. Glad, I got them off my shoulder...for now. I decided to go see her cause I remember it takes a long time for Death pass by for some of us, like me.  I fed on a few and decided to run to her, to keep an eye on her.

I was close to the Cullens area, I really want to see her.

~~~ Edward's POV ~~~

I can hear someone's thoughts, they are about my sister, Y/n. But, who would be thinking about her? I stood up from my chair, I looked at the entrance.
  " What is it, Edward?" Bella asked.
" I can hear someone's thoughts, they are about Y/n." I said. Everyone got up.
" What kind of thoughts?" Jasper asked.
" Thoughts of..." I looked at them, " Love. He is saying that I miss her, that I only loved her for centuries." I explained, but who could it be.
" This is confusing, my sister is not a vampire, I grew up, watching her." Bella said.
" There are such things as old souls into new bodies." Rosalie said. Bella looked confused.
" Reincarnation." Emmet said.
" Oh, I'm not into spiritual things." Bella said.
" We all should go check who is thinking of her." Esme said.
" First, we should drop off Renessme or Jake could come here." Alice said. We heard a knock at the door. I opened the door. It was Jacob.
" We saw someone, he was wearing a black suit, has long hair." I wonder which coven he came from, " For sure, a vampire." Jacob said.
" Well, we better go search the whole ground here. Everyone spread out, one of you stay near the house." Carlisle explained.
  " I will stay near." Bella stepped forward, " Jake, take Renessme with you to your place." Jake nodded and ran outside to shapeshift. Renessme hopped on his back and waved. Then, they left. We all spread out.

~~~ Y/n's POV ~~~

Where am I? I l woke up and saw black all around me. What is this place? I stood up and walked around. I saw some phases or memories, I see fire. I see myself getting married. What is going on? I saw a beautiful a beach, someone was holding looked like Aro.
  " No, this can't be it though?" I panicked a bit. I saw more phases, Aro was there. No, no, no, no...this can't be right. Is this my past life? Is this who I really am? Why am I pregnant? Is this my only past life? So many questions. Is this why when Aro touched me, I felt pain. I felt more pain in me.

~~~ Aro's POV ~~~

I was up in a tree, a dog spotted me. It started barking at me, annoying. I saw the Cullens house. I hopped from tree to tree, quickly. I need to see her, her face again. I need to see her wake up. It took me a little while to hop from tree to tree, I went to the door. It looks and sound like they are not home. I opened the door and looked from room to room, down to up. I found her on the second floor, she was laying in her bed, face pale. I went over to her and shed a few tears. I grabbed her hand.
" I'm sorry, mi amour. I love you so much, I'm sorry for what I done to you. I should have never bitten you, I should have not let the law get to me. I thought if I changed you, you would remember." I put my face into her hands, " I'm sorry."
I felt her hand move. I looked up to her, she was moving. I embraced her. She pushed me to the book shelf.
" What the hell are you doing here, Aro?" She asked, sternly. I was sitting on the floor next to the book shelf, she is strong now.
" Y/n, please, let me explain." I said. She calmed down.

~~~ Y/n's POV ~~~

I moved my hand, I woke up and moved a bit. I felt someone embrace me. I recognize his hair and suit, it was Aro. I pushed him to the book shelf and stood up.
" What the hell are you doing here, Aro?" I asked. Wow, I'm strong.
" Y/n, please, let me explain." He said. I calmed down. I sat on the bed, looking into space. Thinking of what I saw, I started to shed a few tears. I can't cry but only shed a few tears. Aro stood up from the floor and sat right next to me. He put his arm around me and I started to cry in his chest, it felt comforting for some reason. He calmed me down.
" Explain, Aro. Explain." I looked at him with my teary eyes.
" I'm here...I see you. To see your face, to tell you that I didn't mean to kill you, I never meant to put you in pain or anything. I wanted to tell you everything, to tell you that I love you." He cupped his hands on my face.
" I saw you...well I was out, cold...I never wanted to believe you were in my past life, were there. There was you and I at the beach, laying down or a wedding or me, pregnant...there was also a fire. Explain." I said, sternly. He looked away from my eyes and looked at the floor. There was sorrow in his face.
" You are reincarnated of my belated wife, my wife whom I love, dearly," he looked at me, put his hands on my face, " you look like her, same features, same voice. You are her, you just have a different personality. I love you and miss you so much, no matter what you are like or what you look like or sound like, I love you and miss you." He confessed. We were also really close, I didn't realize. I moved away.
" I'm sorry, Aro. But, I'm not your wife, I'm just me." I said. I heard the door open downstairs, Aro and I stood up, quickly. Edward and Bella showed up, they were shocked. Bella hugged me, tightly.
" I thought I lost, Y/n. I thought he killed you." She said.
" Don't worry, I'm fine." I said. Bella let go and kicked Aro to the wall.
" Bella, sister, it's alright. We made peace." I said. She looked at him in disgust.
" Fine." She walked out of the room, I helped Aro up.
" Sorry about that Aro." I helped him up. He put his hand on my face.
" I'm the one who should be sorry." He said in the softest tone. Am I really an old soul? I grabbed my throat, am I thirsty?
  " You are thirsty, we need to quench it. I can't teach you how to hunt, if I do. You would have fed on humans if I taught you, you must ask your family to teach you. Good bye, Y/n." He left the house. I was surprised by this, why am I starting to miss him a bit? Am I starting to like— No I can't, this is outrageous. Although, I should learn how to hunt. I heard everyone downstairs, I went downstairs. They all looked surprised or shocked to see me alive and dead, or a vampire.
  " Can, ahem, you all teach me how to hunt?" I asked.
  " Of course we can." Carlisle said. We all went out and started hunting, Jacob and Renessme came back along with a few other werewolves. There was Seth, Paul, and Jared who followed, they all transformed in there human form.
  " So, she is a vampire now, did you found out who was here?" Jacob asked. Renessme came over and hugged me with tears in her eyes. We hugged.
  " It's alright, Renessme. I'm alive and cold." I said to comfort her. I noticed Paul staring at me, why? I looked in his direction, he looked away.
  " Yes, it was Aro. It was weird that he was here, we don't know why but we have some theories." Edward said.
  " Well, let's talk inside, we don't know if any of the Voultri guard are here or not." Emmet said. We all walked in.

His lust for Blood ( Aro x Reader )Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ