Chapter 1

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September 17, 2009

                             As i open my eyes i smell a weird smell that burns to inhale. But never mind that. I look around and see a plastic dome is around me. And there are more of them around other babies. Then there are people who are wearing funny blue dresses and things that cover half their face.

                            There was a really loud obnoxious noise of babies crying. A blue dress lady came over and took me out of my clear dome, and gave me to some people. One with beautiful blond hair and emerald green eyes. The other with deep brown hair and intriguing blue eyes. The blue dress lady said mom and dad. So im assuming they are my parents, a feeling of felicity washed over me.

                            I heard my parents talking. They said a word 'doctor', maybe they were referring to the blue dress people.

                           As my mom and dad rolled me out of the weird smelling room, i saw a bright light i had to sheild my eyes from. I felt a zephyr as some leaves fell from a nearby tree. My parents they put me in a very loud metal box.

                          As the metal box vroomed and whirred i looked out the glass window to see colors of orange, red, brown, and yellow. I saw clouds move while leaved blew. I dozed off to the beautiful sight outside. It felt like 2 seconds before we arrived at another wooden box. "Why is everything a box" i thought mindlessly.

                          My parents carried me inside. The scent of lavender filled my nose. This place is now my querencia, a safe place. My parents took me to a big open room where a little blanket and some toys waited.

                          This one weird worm plush stood out to me. Im gonna name him Mr. Worm. After playing with him for a while i saw my parents. They picked me up and carried me to another wooden box and put me inside. My dad got out a book and proceeded to read "Goldilocks and the Three Bears". During that my mom walked in carrying Mr. Worm and sat him down beside me in my box. Then after the story my parents whispered goodnight, shut off the lights, with a plugin light, and left.
September 18, 2009
                         Things got lighter, i opened my eyes. Another day has sprung. Mr. Worm sat upon the rail of the box i was in. My parents walked in disrupting my thoughts. They said something about leaving. Then my parents gave me a kiss then left. A lady whom. I've never seen before entered, she left a scent of oatmeal cookies. The lady fed me then brought me to my play pen.

                         This continued for some time. My parents always come home at dark hour. My babysitter, i learned which is weird because she never sat on me and i hope not other babies, was the one who came after they left. I started to like her scent
October 1st, 2009
                          One day something changed. My parents stayed home and called off the sitter. They gave some sort of mashed... mashed food? I dont know. My favorite taste was the orange or the green one. Both have sweet tastes but gritty textures.
October 5th, 2009
                         I had a fit today because i lost Mr. Worm. My babysitter had found him under the couch. I later had another one because we had to wash him because of how dusty he was.

                         After my parents came home that evening they said something like Lucida. They kept saying that but in their annoying baby voice. I think thats my name, it will take some time getting used to that. And for the love of baby food will they stop using that voice.
October 31st, 2009
                         My parents are home and are in funny clothing. They pulled out some weird bee clothing that was my size. I tries to run, crawl, away but they caught me and stuffed me into it. We soon left and went around to doors saying "trick or treat". I know i'd like treat not trick. Why'd they have to add trick.
December 4th, 2009
                         As the colors changed from red, brown, orange, and yellow to white snow on the ground, and bare trees. As the cold weather started and warm weather ended. I had to wear fuzzy little boots, and a black jacket with fur lining. The snow is cold but pretty, i saw pretty white bunnies and foxes leaping through the snow.

                          The park was a pleasant place filled with kids. But as the snow came kids left. I go now and then, my favorite thing there is the green slope they call the slide, i go down it with my dad.
December 20, 2009
                          The scent of pine trees, cinnamon, and gingerbread filled the house. A tree appeared in our living room. Presents gathered under the tree. My parents made hot chocolate for the guests who I'm assuming are my other family members. Each one either picked me up or hugged me.
December 24-25, 2009
                           After a few days more people gathered weather they were family of friends. In the morning the other older kids were there opening their gifts. They got barbies and toy cars, along with fidget spinners and RC cars. There was also presents for me, surprisingly.

                           As i held Mr. Worm my parents handed me tightly wrapped gifts expecting me to open them with my chubby hands which can't even hold silverware properly. I looked at them, they got the memo and opened the gifts for me. Inside i got a mini top hat for mr worm, he looked so cute in the hat. Another one i got was a giraffe binki.

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