Chapter 6

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                                                I discovered that i could jump really high. I jumped to a nearby planet. It was orange and cloudy. I couldn't see because the whole atmosphere of the planet was a storm. I have decided i will try to name most of the planets i explore this ones name is stormy.

                                                I jumped to planets farther out. One icy planet caught my landing point. I landed on it and immediately slipped onto my butt (ouch :( ) once i got up I couldn't keep still. It was like i was ice skating. Well that sparked an idea because me and mr worm ice skated for a while before we took off to explore some more.

                                               The flickers and twinkles of the millions of billions of stars big and small, light up the black and purple sky, beautiful, made me tired but i pushed on!

                                                As the lights flicker i travel to a planet light blue and orange the light there is ethereal. The planet is warm like a spring morning. I have decided to name that one elixir planet.

                                               I explored planets. As i was i found out I'm immortal. I couldn't die. I tried jumping into the endless pit below, but was pulled up to the planet i was on by an invisible force.

                                                Mostly i felt like i was being pulled somewhere. I dont know where or by what. It was like a rope that was attached to my waist and someone was tugging on it for me to go that way. I didn't pay attention to it afraid it might be a trap like in those horror movies, I'm not stupid unlike those people who can't run properly.

                                               Mr. Worm traveled with me all the way through many galaxies and planets. We saw lots of constellations and stars. Mr. Worm even named one and so did i.

                                               My favorite planet had moss and plants with pretty coral flowers. Vines hung from under the planet where a waterfall also flowed off the side into the darkness below. The planet itself was a pretty teal color with purple flowers that grew on tall willow-like trees.

                                               After a long day of exploring I finally gave into the feeling of sleep.

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