Chapter 3

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March 23rd, 2017; Lucida 7 years
                                              At what seems like my billionth appointment they drew blood, which ofc i passed out during, and chatted to my mom and dad. I over heard them say some thing like, "Ma'am, sir... your child is. Sick" then my parents let out a sob.

                                               After we got home my parents gave me Mr. Worm, and another one whom had rounded ears and a snout. She was a bear, i'm gonna call her Mrs. Bear!
April 15, 2017
                                                My parents started buying me lots of toys and spoiling me more often. I was happy but confused as to why they were. We even went traveling alot. One time we went to the beach where i found a sand dollar. I showed it to my parents. My mom said it was super rare and I should keep it as a good luck omen. So i did. We also went to museums with scary Dino skeletons.

                                                   My favorite moment was the elysian moment of the psithurism as we went for a walk through the woods.
May 27, 2017
                                                   Mom and Dad continued to spoil me. Maybe it was because i was sick? No that cant be it, i have been sick before and i feel completely fine. My babysitter also spoiled me she gave me extra oatmeal cookies. And more playtime.

                                                    I'm contemplating weather or not to tell my parents about it. I did, they said it was nothing to worry about.
July 4th, 2017
                                                     One day as i was playing in the park, i was on my favorite ride, aka the slide, when the lights started to fade. I let the blackness take over my body. I heard my parents scream and a strange ringing noise but i dont know why i thought just needed a nap.

                                                      I open my eyes to find that I'm in a hospital, again, then i look over and see my parents sitting next to the bed i was on. I knew i had to stay in the hospital, otherwise my parents world have taken me home by now.

                                                      As the sun turns towards the mountains and the moon comes up to greet the people, i hear a loud bang, followed by more bangs, whirrs, and screeches. I look outside my hospital window to see an ineffable sight. Pretty colors of red, white, blue, and occasionally purple or green. It was beautiful.

                                                     Days past and Lucida grew her parents still spoiled her and she still did tests.

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