Chapter 7

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I awake from my nap having no clue of what time it is or how long i slept because I realized that i was still in space. But this time i was on a different planet than the one i slept on. Which was weird because i dont think i'm a sleepwalker.

A spiral of different planets, a rainbow of colors, all with living plants and trees. But no atmosphere so no animals. But the planets were still pretty.

I am kadota. But i still get to explore. It is dangerous to fall asleep in space but i needed that. Plus I'm immortal so even if it is dangerous I wouldn't be able to die anyway.

I think I'm in Udrania galaxy. I have done alot of research on galaxies and their planets. Maxomania galaxy has blue planets all ice because the sun is a blue dwarf star, they don't produce much heat.

If i go to sleep again maybe i can get into the universe to visit more galaxies and their planets. I close my eyes and actually fall asleep considering i just woke up from my slumber like 5 minutes ago.

I wake up and sure enough i see millions of galaxies and nebulas. The first galaxy i want to visit is the hydrogalaxy. A cool purple with red highlights. The hydro galaxy has hot coal planets despite its name. Its hot because the sun is a giant star so it heats the planets.

I then visited a not well know galaxy. The dreamul galaxy. This galaxy has pastel planets. The sun is a giant blue star. The planets are warm but far from the sun. The planets for a ring around the sun and all have the same time frame, and all are habitable.

I couldn't help but feel monachopsis

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