Chapter 5

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August 5th, 2017; Lucida 7
                                            The poster on the wall was really pretty. It was made with different shades of purple and black. It had different shapes, colors, and sizes of planets on it, along with white stars of different sizes.

                                             One gift was even an astronaut helmet. As soon as i got it i put it on. I felt euphoric as i also felt that it was made for me.

                                             I felt the same feeling i did at the park i guess it was time for another nap. As i let the darkness consume me i heard a weird beeeeeeeep and some nurses screaming something i can't remember. Well before I completely fell into my nap i saw my parents burst through the hospital door. The nurses shoved them out.

                                              I woke up to colors of  purple, black, and hits of red, lit up by lots of white speckled stars. Feeling the cold void around me.

                                              Although it was truly a beautiful sight to behold. I wondered where my parents were. I was only 7 I wanted to be with them. I had a feeling of heimweh.

                                              I had the helmet i loved on. I also had Mr. Worm with me. I hugged him. But Mr. Worm seemed warm. Thats when I realized Mr. Worm had a smile across his face and a moving body.

                                             "Hello Lucida" Mr. Worm said to me as i let him out of the hug. I realized he had come to life. "You aren't scared?" He said. I realized i wasn't and was actually happy.

                                              Although my mom and dad aren't here Mr. Worm made up for it. As i sat down on the planet i woke up on, i had a-lot of questions. I didn't say them tho

                                              My parents were soon evanescent. Time didnt seem to matter now that i was in space. Mr. Worm, who was besides me, leaned into my arm and said, "beautiful view isn't it?" I nodded my head, to bewildered to speak. Waves of felicity crashed over me as i just now realized my dream had come true. I had gone to space.

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