Chapter 14

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Korey's POV

I dropped Ven back at her house but that doesn't mean I'm going home too. I was going back for Andrew. He will pay for being an ass to her. He doesn't know how lucky he is...

I sped into the parking space and unbuckled my seatbelt. I didn't even go to the desk because I knew exactly where I was going.

Room 374.

I swung the door open and it hit the wall, startling Andrew who seemed to be trying to sleep.

"What the hell, dude," he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. "I was trying to sleep."

I lunged onto the bed on top of him, holding him down by the shoulders. The heart monitor was louder and faster from his increasing heart rate. I glared straight into the eyes looking straight back at me. "What was that before?!"

"What? That girl? I thought I was clear as day," he chuckled to himself. "Sounds to me like you got a thing for her though, man."

I could feel my face heat up. Did I develop feelings for Ven? No. I couldn't! The Andrew I know would kill me for going after her.

The whole time I was thinking, Andrew was smirking at me. And I smacked him across the face. Hard. He bellowed in pain. "Yo!"

"What happened to you, Andrew! You're acting like a completely different person since your accident. You're so damn close to breaking Ven's heart and you don't even know it! You know, you're turning out just like Kailey!"

He turned ghost white. "Don't talk about her."

I was too angry to care for that statement. "Who? Kailey? The girl that was a complete asshole to you and you put up with her anyways? The girl who really broke your heart for the first time? The girl who-"

"Shut up!"

"No, Andrew. I won't shut up. You need to know what a jerk you're being! Ven truly likes you and you're too stupid to see it!"

He looked straight at me, anger seething through him. "Don't you ever bring Kailey up ever again. If you know what's good for you you'll leave. You and I both know if I wasn't confined to a bed I could take you down no problem. Now get the hell out of here!"

"You really just don't understand, do you." I muttered as I walked out and shut the door behind me. He just doesn't get it.

The door clicks shut and I looked to my left and there stood Dobias. "What do you want?" I sneered, too pissed off to care about my tone.

He smirked. "Oh just paying a visit to our dear friend Andrew. That was quite a fight back there with your best friend, huh?"

I gritted my teeth. "Leave it alone, Dobias." See, the thing with Dobias is that he was always jealous of Andrew and I. We were better at hockey than him. We always got the girls. We had the best friendship. Dobias wants all of that.

"Also, now this is just a theory of mine, I've noticed there's a little love situation here as well," His eyebrows bounced up and down. "Over Ven. Me, you, and Andrew. Well, it seems Andrew doesn't fancy her quite as much anymore."

"Andrew does like Ven! He's just a little messed up in the head right now after that hit. He'll be back in no time. You can tell Ven has an interest in him. Not you." I countered.

"Time will tell, my friend. Time will tell." With that, he walks towards the elevator.

That kid really gets under my skin. Something isn't right here...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2015 ⏰

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