Chapter 5

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Alright guys so something major happened. I told the guy I like that I like him. Yup. After 15 minutes of my friends telling me to, I did it. And now he isn't talking to me :'( I wanna talk to him but I'm scared that I made it awkward between us. I don't know what to do. Anyone got advice?


I walked into biology for first period. So early..... Why can't high school be later? I just walked in and sat myself down in my chair and took out my phone to listen to music as I scroll through Instagram.

Maybe five minutes later, I heard a thud next to me. I instantly pulled an earbud as I turned to see who it was.

"Hey Ven."

"Hi Shelby." Shelby and I have become very close in the past year. I'm really not sure how. I mean we've talked in the past, but all of a sudden, everything just clicked. I consider her one of my bestest friends now. "Oh I gotta talk to you about something."

"Ok go for it" she sat down and motioned me to start.

I told her about Andrew and how I may be falling for him.

"Wait whats this guy look like?" She said whipping out her phone.

I then described him in detail. From his chocolate hair down to his gorgeous blue eyes.

"I think I have his number!" She said as she searched her phone. "Yep. Here it is."

"Wait Shelby. I want to try and get it myself ok? I appreciate the help but I can do it." I smiled.

"Ok. But if you change your mind," she waved the phone. "I got you covered."

"Thanks" I said.

"Class, if you please, sit down and get ready to start." The teacher said. I got out my binder and pencil as the class began.

All of the class, all that was on my mind was Andrew. Could I really asked for his number on the third time talking to him? Did I really have it in me?

"Alright. There's five minutes left of class. I have grading to do. You're allowed to talk." the teacher announced.

I immeadiatly took out my phone, unlocked it, and just stared at it. I happen to actually do that a lot. I don't know just something about doing that makes me think.

"I'm going to try and get it, Shelby."

"Good luck." she said patting me on the back.


The bell rang and we all proceeded to  homeroom. When I got there, all that was going through my head was how I was going to ask Andrew for his number. 

Time couldn't pass fast enough as I sprinted out the door the minute I heard the bell ring. I walked my way to health class and as I ventured through the cafeteria as a shortcut, I saw him. Walking alone. It was my chance. 

I walked up and tapped his shoulder. "Hey!" I said with a warm smile.

"Hey Ven." He replied smiling as well.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Walking, and now talking to you." He said.

"Same." I giggled. After that we kinda just walked with occassional chatter. As we were approaching the end of our walk, I was starting to shake because I knew what I wanted to do. I just didn't want to look like a creep. "Hey Andrew?"

He looked as we stopped. "Yeah?"

"You're really cool to talk to."

"Same with you, Ven."

"And I want to talk to you more and mot be restricted to this passing time," I took a breath. "So can I have your number?"

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