Chapter 2

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I met up again with Peyton at lunch. Still smiling from the previous encounter with that guy.

She took notice. "Alright. What happened?"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"When I left you last you were all mopy. What did you do in that time?"

"Well..." I started.

"Sit down." she motioned.

I did what she said and told her the whole thing.

"Ven... You literally talked to this kid for thirty seconds, EVEN LESS!"

"Yeah, but there's just something about him..." I started to daze off.

"Ven!" Peyton snapped me back into reality.


"Whatever. You'll probably not see him again anyways." she said as she started to eat.

I wouldn't be too sure about that. I thought silently as I began to eat.

The rest of the day wasn't that eventful. I got home from school and threw my backapck on the couch. "Mom I'm home!" I yelled.

"Hi honey! How was school?" she yelled back.

"Good I guess."

"What do you mean by I guess?"

"Well you'll be happy about this. So I stopped liking someone."

"And why was that?"

"Because I found out he smokes and drinks." I just said it like it was nothing.

"Why did you even like him in the first place?" she asked.

"Well I didn't know he smoked and stuff when I started to like him and he was really nice when we talked and stuff. Justin also told me that he was really nice and they talked a lot last year. So I thought if Justin said he was ok then he was ok." I explained.

She was still looking at me like Why would you like someone like that?

"Mom, arent you happy that I found that out BEFORE anything happened?"

"Yes." And she went back to cooking dinner.

Well hopefully I'll see that boy again tomorrow. I smile to myself and let the night roll on by.


Well, here's the second chapter.

Sorry it's all so short. I still figuring out how to break this up.

Anyways thanks for reading! I'll be updating soon! :)

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