Chapter 12

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Two days of school have gone by since Andrew's accident. It was all the school ever talked about. Every morning on the announcements, they would ask us to pray for Andrew and his family.

I haven't been to the hospital since Andrew's outburst. I was too sad and a little scared to go back. Everyone would take glances at me. I sat with Shelby and Payton at lunch. They tried to get me to talk, but I wouldn't budge.

The school day was like any other, long and boring. I got off my bus and walked up my driveway. I opened the door and my mom was reading on the couch.

"Hey hun. How was your day?" She asked. I just sighed in response. She understood and left me alone as I sat down to do homework.

The time was 5 pm and I just finished my homework. I threw some leftover pasta in the microwave and sat down on the couch, just like I've been doing the last two days. There was a sudden knock on the door today, though. I got up and walked to the door sluggishly. I opened it to find Korey.

"Hey." he said.

"Hi." I replied.

"How you holding up?" he asked.

"Fine I guess," I said. "You want to come inside?"

"Sure." He stepped foot in my house. I offered him some pasta, which he politely accepted. We both sat down and began to eat our food. We made small talk and in the back of my mind, I knew what was going to come up eventually.

"So have you seen Andrew since that day?" There it is.


"Me neither," He paused. He set his bowl on the table and extended his hand to me. "Come on."

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"You'll see."

"We're going to see Andrew, aren't we." I stated.

"No. We're going for a drive," He said grabbing his keys. "Come on."

I sighed as I got up to get my shoes on to leave. I met Korey in the car and he backed out for our drive. He didnt really have a destination in mind. He just drove.

"So have you visited Andrew?" I asked.

"No." Korey replied.

I started tearing up. "Korey, what's going to happen to him?"

He looked at me with sad eyes and pulled over. "Come here," he extended his arms to embrace me. I cried into his shoulder as he rubbed my back. "Shhhh. It's okay."

We stayed like that for a good five minutes before he started the car up again.

I wiped my tears and asked, "Where are we going?"

"You'll see." he said. We drove a little longer and I finally understood where we were going.

"You told me we weren't coming here." I protested as we pulled up to the hospital.

"I think we both know you want to see him. And to be quite honest, I do too." Korey said.

We got out of the car and made our way up to the same room as last time. I stopped at the door just like last time as stared at it.

Door 324.

"You ready?" Korey asked. I nodded. "I'll let you go first." he offered. I smiled in response as I turned the cold handle and walked in slowly.

Andrew was in the middle of the room sleeping soundly. I walked up to the bed and grabbed his hand. It was so cold and fragile. In the back of my mind, the scene last time replayed, which made me a little nervous. My other hand reached up and smoothed out his soft hair. It looked like it hadn't been brushed for days (which was most likely true).

I watched him sleep for a good five minutes. Then I remembered Korey was outside still waiting for his time with Andrew. I got up and was about to say goodbye when he started mumbling and moving. He's waking up!

I immediately ran back to his bedside, waiting to see those blue eyes open up after what felt like an eternity. And they did. They softly fluttered open and I smiled. "Andrew you're awake!"

He looked at me stunned. "Yeah I am," he looked at me funny. "But who are you?"

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