Chapter 8

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*Andrew's POV* (oooo new POV :)

I walked to the locker rooms annoyed as hell. What the hell with these guys? Didn't they see I was... Ugh. Nevermind.

My gear was already dropped off from before when I arrived.

I started putting everything on when Carter slid his stuff next to mine.

"Hey, man. You okay?" He asked.

"No. I'm not." I stood up in front of him. He was taller than me because he had his skates on and I didn't because I had to put my guards on my legs. "You guys ruined the only chance I had with Ven and now I won't get another chance for a while." I took a breath. "And did you see Dobias? He was all over her."

"Yeah I did see Dobias. That's bad news."

"We have to keep an eye on him, Andrew. You know why." Joshua added. I nodded in response and finished getting ready. I noticed I couldn't find my helmet.

"Joshua, have you seen my helmet?" I asked. He shook his head. "Carter?" He responded the same. I asked a few more people who answered the same way and began to panic. How could I play without a helmet? I could just play without one...

Everyone was ready and we huddled up before we had to go out. Our coach looked at all of us and stopped at me. "Andrew, where's your helmet?"

"I can't find it. I think I'll live one game." I said.

"This isn't a good idea, Andrew. You can get really hurt."

"Come on, Coach. I think I'll be fine."

"Fine! Just stop whining." I knew he'd give in eventually. "Alright boys. This game is purely to have fun so that's what we're gonna do. Wolves on three. 1 2 3."

"WOLVES!" We filed out of the locker room and onto the ice. As I glided, I searched the crowd for Ven and "The Idiots." Heh. I like that. I looked and looked. Finally, as I was rounding back to the team, I saw my friends going nuts together. I started laughing. I then spotted Ven, who made eye contact at me. I pointed at her while smiling. She smiled back and waved. I winked at her as I went back to the team to take my place on the ice.

I looked at the player in front of me and smiled. This is gonna be a fun game

The Hockey Boy Stole My HeartOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz