Chapter 7

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...were quickly interrupted by a bunch of boys barreling into us, knocking us to the ground.

When we saw who they were, Andrew looked annoyed. "Ven, these are the idiots."

"Oooooo Andrew's out with a girl!" One of them teased. 

"Shut up, Korey." He snapped.

"Do the idiots have names?" I asked, slightly giggling at my question.

"Well, you know Korey now," Andrew began and then went down the line. "And these are Joshua, Kyle, Lane, Carter, and Dobias. Guys, this is Ven."

I smiled and waved. "Hi guys!"

They said hi back.

"Andrew, everyone's getting ready for the hockey game in the locker room. We gotta go." Carter said. Korey nodded in agreement.

"Alright I'm coming." He said, still annoyed from them knocking us over from my guess.

"Ooo hockey game?! Can I play too?" I asked excitedly.

"Sorry, Ven. It's varsity versus alumni this game." He explained.

"Oh." I frowned.

"You can watch though and I'll be out again after it's done." He added.


"You can chill with the idiots during the game." He added again.

I smiled at the fact that we were still calling them the idiots. He lifted my chin up with his finger. "Hey, I'll be out later so we can talk, ok?" He looked straight in my eyes so I'd get it.

"Ok." I said.

"Hey lovebirds they're clearing the ice!" Korey yelled.

"Come on, " He said as he took my hand, leading me off the ice. "I'll be looking for you in the crowd." He whispered to myself. I don't think I was supposed to hear that, but it made me smile.

We got off and I hugged him. "Good luck." I said in his ear.

"Thanks." He smiled.

"Andrew come on!" Korey yelled.

"Bye Ven." He waved.

"Bye Andrew." I said.

"Come on, Ven." Joshua said, pulling on my arm. "We have to get good seats."

"You can sit next to me, Ven." Dobias winked as he took my other arm and led me along. I looked back at Andrew who had a jealous expression on his face as he turned toward the locker rooms.


Oooo Dobias is acting kinda funny isn't he? ;)

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