rid, jam, nei, adeuce, jade, ruggie with failed true loves kiss

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A/N: OH MY GOODNESS THANK YOU SO MUCH??? AND PLEASE DONT APOLOGIZE I LOVE SEEING WHAT OTHER PEOPLE WANT TO READ!! I also have some spare time before stuff picks up later in the semester, so I'm getting most of my writing done now ;;;; I never watched any of those shows, so I just went with 'gone wrong after', if that's alright!


-He knew that mer was up to no good, especially when Floyd outright ASKED to be Riddle's partner

-Despite his gut instinct, he went along with it and, of course, Floyd threw in one of the ingredients sitting on the shelf, the entire jar sinking below the surface of the potion that threatened to bubble over and spill

-It never bubbled over, rather it EXPLODED

-Riddle would have lost his mind screaming if it wasn't for the way that his head began spinning and how quickly he seemed to be falling to the ground.

-Ace and Deuce, of course, were the ones who came to grab you, hoping to save their dorm leader

Outside of the infirmary, you stand with your arms crossed, glaring at both the boys. 

"Have you forgotten that I have no magic? I can't wake him up," Ace groans, rolling his eyes. 

"But if you do, he might feel, oh, I don't know, indebted? So he'll feel bad when he goes to collar us." You fight the urge to smack Ace and look to Deuce, who's staring at the ground in shame. 

"You too?" The blue haired boy doesn't respond and you sigh. "What do you want me to do?"

"Well, there's this fairytale thing..." Ace starts with, face breaking into a grin. "And it says it'll break any curse, so-"

"Are you talking about the-?!" You punch his arm, face flushing a bright red. "I knew you were up to something stupid!"

"You like him, he likes you! What, did ya want Deuce to kiss him?!"

"What the fuck, Ace?" Deuce shoves Ace, who cackles and turn to you, walking forwards quickly and making you stumble back into the infirmary, quickly slamming the door closed and yelling from the other side. 

"Good luck, Prefect~" Ace coos. "Oh, I also told Trey that you woke him up already. Won't wanna make our resident baker sad, would we? He told me that he's make you something as a thank you~"

"Damn you, Trappola," More laughter as footsteps echo down the hallway and disappear, leaving you in the dimly lit infirmary. 

Just you. 

And an unconscious Riddle. 

You take a breath, sitting on the edge of the bed and staring down at his soft face. He was always boyishly handsome in a way that made your heart flutter whenever he looked in your direction, his stern gaze never failing to make you swoon, much to Ace's dismay. Now that he's asleep, calloused hands for once unclenched and relaxed at his sides, you can take a moment to notice the small things about him that you don't have the chance to normally see. 

Everything from the small freckle that sat upon his eyelid, to the dark circles under his eyes, to the way that his face, even in sleep, was still flushed a light pink. You slowly grab his hand and feel a wave of sadness to find it cold. You wonder if he's ever had someone hold his hand, if it was always this cold, if the scowl that was no longer on his face was how he would look no matter what or if it was an expression trained into his soft features.

Biting your lip, you look to the door and back, deciding to suck it up and kiss your crush from the beginning of the school year. 

You slowly lean in, lips connecting to his own slightly chapped ones before pulling away slowly. You notice how his crimson eyelashes flutter, his chest rising much higher than it had as he takes a deep breath. His cool gray eyes open to meet your own, thin lips forming a small smile as his half-lidded eyes take in your features. 

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