cyra's bday

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AAA HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I hope it was a good day!!!!!!


He had not believed that there was anyone around. After a particularly stressful week, the boy had wanted nothing more than to tend to the hedgehogs that he had considered to be akin to his own children. 

He was in his gym uniform, not wanting to get his dorm leader uniform dirty, and hunched over, in the cage and giggling softly as the hedgehogs squeaked and nipped at his fingers. He cups one of them in his hands, pulling it out and petting it's smooth forehead, chuckling and kissing it softly. 

"Have you all been lonely?" Riddle asks quietly, turning to the others. He looks around the open garden, warm sun kissing his pale skin as he peeks around the tall hedges, ears perked in the half-hope-half-fear of one of his dormmates seeing him in such a state. 

No screaming of Deuce, no obnoxious laughter from Ace. He didn't hear the tapping against a phone screen, or Trey's heavy footsteps on the grass. Perhaps, Riddle thought, he truly was alone. 

He felt as though the heavy weight on his shoulders was lifted off as he hurriedly takes each hedgehog out of the cage, sitting cross legged on the ground and placing the small animals in the small area that his legs had created. Some of them try to climb his pants and escape, making him chuckle softly at their squeaks. He gingerly lifts one into his lap, petting it gently. 

Warmth fills his heart when it nuzzles into his open palm. The others soon follow, clambering over one another as they try to climb higher and higher up. He lays down, the cold grass tickling his cheeks as the boy squirms as they crawl up his neck and lick at his face, making him laugh loudly and pick them up and move them away. 

He looks down and stifles another joyful giggle seeing them resting on his chest, a few of them trying to bite at his shirt and others dozing off. He picks one up gently and nuzzles his face into it's own small one, affection filling his heart and threatening to spill out into the rest of his body. 

He smiles softly at the small animal, chuckling. 

"Hey, Riddle, I found this little guy when I-" He all but yelps and whips around to face you, standing dumbfounded next to the hedges and holding a small hedgehog that nuzzles into your palm. Heat crawls up his neck and burns his ears and eyes as he gulps, mouth opening and closing in mortification. 

"It-I- I- I was si-simply-" He stammer, sitting up quickly (though, not too quickly as to keep the animals on his body safe).

To his surprise, you make your way beside him and sit down, your knees touching as you reach over and place the hedgehog atop his head. He gasps, lungs refusing to work as your hand gently brushes his cheek on the way back. 

You smile softly at him. 

"Don't be embarrassed! It's cute!"

He swears he could feel his heart explode in his chest, mind racing as he gulps back another squeal. He was sure that late at night, accompanied only by the moonlight, he would bury his face in his pillow and giggle like a schoolgirl looking back on this moment. 

As of right now, he could not think of anything else to do but stammer and try to calm his racing heart. He meets your eyes only to see them pressed into joyful crescents that make the butterflies in his stomach swarm as he mumbles an apology, standing and running out of the garden, leaving you and the hedgehogs to watch him leave in confusion and disbelief.   

Ruggie Bucchi:

The hyena sits up and groans, running his hands through his messy hair for the umpteenth time as he struggles to read the words on the pages. They dance around the page as he knits his eyebrows on his forehead, phone resting beside the open book for if he needs to look up a definition or a concept. He had asked to study with you to seem smarter than he was, to impress you somehow, but he was failing. 

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