leo, jam, and leeche with s/o whos an overprotective sibling

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Omg I can relate so hard to this ;;;; I'm one of six children (I have four brothers and a sister) but I'm the fourth born! I can also vv much relate to the introverted part ;; (I'm getting better I promise! And i love the whole "i can make fun of my siblings but if anyone else does i'm fighting them" bc thats how I am with mine! I can't relate to the affectionate part- i'm the affectionate sibling and it annoys my younger brothers :(( i always wanted a baby sister tho.  This was sm fun to write bc of that! It is a little short, though, because the short break I got earlier was just the calm before the storm ;;;;;;;;;;; i got a little slammed with essays and exams, but I will try to continue to write as much as possible! 

Will also start publishing the self-indulgent inserts (with name changed ofc) and short stories that I have written to fill up the gaps between when I don't have time to write (I have... three on the backburner right now?)


-Didn't think too much about you and your younger siblings when you first came, though he was a little annoyed about there being kids on campus

-He was never really aware that you existed either, considering your introverted nature and how, having not known you all, tended to just see one of you and assume it was someone else

-He did, however, get an earful when your younger sibling came to you crying because "The scary lion in the greenhouse growled at me when I stepped on his tail"

-After being comforted by your other siblings, you stomped over and gave the man a piece of your mind, chewing him out and threatening him for making your precious younger sibling cry

-You stormed off, mumbling to yourself and leaving the lion man in a state of awe, jaw agape  for once

-Ruggie made fun of him for it, having heard the whole thing

-Of course, he doesn't try to attract too much of your attention again

-Eventually your younger siblings grow fond of him, whether through Cheka being the youngests' playmate or their general interest in beastmen. And through them, came you

-Your relationship at first was strained, with him being a little more wary of the things he did and said around your siblings, and you standing threateningly over him while they hung out. 

-He was, admittedly, a little glad to get you out of your room. 

-But he knew not to push the issue too much, and also to keep his distance, knowing all too well that you can defend yourself and your siblings if needed

-If you do ask him for support or to step in, he absolutely will

-But of course, if not he won't bother. He believes that you can stand up for yourself and your family

-It makes him a little unnerved to see the way you interact with your siblings, seeing the reflection of the way that he treats Cheka. Of course, he treats your siblings in the same way.

-Overall, he's a fairly good boyfriend towards your family, given how important they are to you and through association, they're important to him

"Leona!" Your youngest sibling rushes up to him, gripping onto his arm and whining. "Come on!"

"No, get some sleep," The lion sighs, rolling onto his other side and flicking the child with his tail. 

"But it's noon!"

"They're right, Leona!" Your other sibling frowns, hands on their hips as they huff and roll their eyes at his actions. 

"Guys," You warn them, lightly smacking the youngests' arm. Leona grins at your actions, watching you bicker with them from his position on the grass. "Leave him be!"

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