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We all sat at the breakfast looking at the menu quiet as fuck

It was a shocker we made it to breakfast time ON TIME

"Hi whenever you guys are ready I'll start taking your order" the waitress said

"Im ready, y'all ready? Monti said looking around

"Ya we can start" kamiya said

"Can I get a water" tana said before closing his menu

"Okay and for you" the lady said looking at me next since I was sitting next to him

"Pink lemonade please"

She went around the table asking everyone what we wanted before leaving

"That fact that we didn't smoke before this is crazy as life" monti said shaking his head

"This crack addict" K said rolling his eyes

"This would be the same Nigga who want me to pass it when it's lit though y'all don't let him fool you" monti said

"We should smoke and then go to the aquarium" zennyy said

"Aww that would be so much fun" Quinn said

"Das borin as life i wanna bitches shakin ass" monti said smiling

"Anyways" kamiya said

"Don't be mad you can shake some too" monti said laughing

"And bitch-" she reached over and slapped him

"I bet you thought that was so fuckin funny huh" she said rolling her eyes

"Here you guys are with the drinks is everyone ready to order"


"So if somebody had a threesome with your mom that's okay" kamiya said arguing with monti

"Hell nawl but that's different"

"Literally no the fuck it's not threesomes are nasty and sex is supposed to be intimate"

"RIGHT Quinn" kamiya said

"In a sense ya" she said taking a bite of her pancake

"See everyone gets it except you" kamiya said

"You asked one other person...." Monti dragged off

"Y'all always sit next to each other just to argue" K said

"Monti why is this random man in our business" kamiya said

"No lie I actually don't fuckin know" monti said scooting closer to kamiya

Zenny stopped eating and laughed

"No that was actually funny wow" she said

"Oh wow and you actually talk" K said looking at her

"Obviously, literally everyone does" she said smiling at him

Zennyy was so pretty her hair from the way she dressed to her vibe matched her completely I loved it


We walked the streets of New York looking at all the random shit going on and everything everyone was doing

"Wait guys stop I wanna try this coffee shop" I said getting excited

"This white ass place" kamiya said

"You know what let's actually keep walking" I said awkwardly

"Y'all we walked like two blocks can we go back to the bnb now before I drop to the floor" Quinn said

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