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Wilbur tiredly looked at the person who woke him up. It was Dream. Why was he here? "Come on, detention is over." "Oh. Right." Wilbur got his bag and stood up, looking at the male in front of him before walking off. Just as he walked out of the school building, he remembered. "They'll fucking kill me.." Wilbur thought as he whined. After a minute or two, he finally continued walking home, thinking of all the shit he could get in. Before he even noticed, he was already in front of his house. "Lord have mercy.."

He quietly opened the door, but his parents were already waiting for him. He sighed and opened the door completely, walking into the house. His mother gave him a strict glare, Phil just kind of being dragged into this. "Detention, huh?" His mother said. "Well-" "I do not want to hear it. Me and your father will be waiting in the kitchen and you have a lot of explaining to do." She demanded, dragging Phil into the kitchen. Wilbur just sighed and took off his shoes and coat. As he walked into the kitchen, he saw Techno sitting there with an bored expression as well as his parents. "Eh.. where's Tommy?" "That's nothing you should worry about now." "He's at Tubbo's." Techno said, sitting up straight. "Shush Techno. Wilbur, sit down."

Wilbur quickly nodded and sat down. "Now tell me, why the fuck did you get into detention?" "I eh.. Well.." "I'm waiting." His mother glared at him. "Oh come on darling, don't be so strict. It's his first time having detent-" "Shut it. Explain Wilbur." Kristen cut him off. "Alright alright. So uhm.. i might've punched someone.." "Excuse me?!" Kristen stood up, but her husband told her to calm down. "Mom please- Let him explain." Techno looked at his mother. "Who did you punch and why?" Kristen asked. "It was Dream. He pissed me off." Kristen sat down, sighing as she leant back in the chair. "Wilbur, you can't punch someone just because they piss you off." "He had all right." Techno shrugged.

"And why's that?" "He's been bullying my best friend for god knows how fucking long and now he fucking beat him up in front of like half the school. So when i stopped him, he started to piss me off even more. He said that Quackity only uses me because of my money, which isn't true at all. He never asked for anything, i'm fucking glad when he answers me when i'm talking to him, he'd never use me for anything. But that fucker wouldn't shut his goddamn mouth, so i punched him." Wilbur explained, starting to get mad at Dream again. Kristen thought for a while. "Just don't punch someone again."  Wilbur nodded. "And that 'Quackity' guy is your best friend?" Phil asked. "Yeah.." Wilbur started smiling. Techno looked at his twin brother. "He can't make it more obvious that he's in love with him, huh?" He thought. Techno stood up, all the attention going to him. "I'll get going now, i need to do my homework. And you should do that too." He said as he looked at his brother, who just nodded. "Alright then. See you at dinner."

Wilbur finally got into his room, letting himself fall into bed. He sighed, just laying there for a while. He thought about if he should invite Quackity over on the weekend. Suddenly, he got a notification. He took out his phone, looking at who sent him a message. It was Quackity.

Quackity <33

out of detention?

it was shit
boring af

what did y'all do

fucking principal asked why i punched him
and why we aren't friends anymore

you're not?

of course not
he's a bitch, but i told him if he'll stop i'll think of it

what did he say?

he said fine :)

one bully less, at least something xd



i'll walk you to class tomorrow:)


you know why

i'll be fineee

i'll do it anyways
you cant get out of it<3

i'll run away from you..

don't you dare.


wanna call?


*Ring Ring 🤭*

"Hello!" "Heyy" Wilbur smiled, sitting up. "What're ya doing?" Quackity asked. "I'm about to start doing homework.. you won't believe how pissed my parents were when i came home." Wilbur whined, standing up and walking to his desk. "I can imagine." Q chuckled. Wilbur sat down on his chair and put his phone against his laptop. He clicked on the little camera on the screen, asking Q to facetime. And so they did. Quackity waved at Wilbur, who gladly returned the gesture. "I don't wanna do homework" he whined, spinning in his chair. "You can do this, i believe in you." Quackity laughed. Wilbur dramatically put his hand on his chest. "Thank you for your emotional support." He said. "You're welcome" Q was able to get out as he was laughing like god knows what.

After like 2 hours, Wilbur finally finished his homework. "Finally, took you long enough." Quackity joked. "I'm hurt." Wilbur dramatically said. Suddenly the door swung open. Wilbur quickly looked at the door. "Wilby!!" Quackity heard from his phone. "Hello there Tommy, i see you're back." Wilbur said. "Mhm, mhm! It was great!! We had a lot of fun!" Tommy happily said. "That's good." "Eh.." Quackity said, not knowing if he should hang up or not. Tommy looked at Wilburs phone, walking over to the desk. "What are you- HEY GIVE IT BACK" Tommy ran away with Wilburs phone. He quickly ran into the bathroom, locking the door. "TOMMY OPEN THE DOOR I SWEAR TO GOD" Wilbur yelled from outside the bathroom, but Tommy wouldn't listen. "Hi!!" Tommy said, looking into the phone. "Hello there." "I'm Tommy!" He smiled happily. "Quackity." The ravenette said, laying down on his bed. Tommy gasped. "You're Wilburs best friend, right?" "Huh?" "Wilbur told me about you!!" "He talks about me?" "A lot! Once he starts he never stops. But that's alright!! From what he told me, you're really nice!" Quackity blushed a little. "Well- Thank you." "Of course!!"

Suddenly the door opened. "You little shit give me back my phone." Wilbur said. "But i wanna talk with him!" "If Q doesn't mind, you can stay with us i guess.." "Sure, i don't mind." "YAY!!" Tommy immediately got up and gave Wilbur back his phone before running into Wilburs room. "Sorry about him, he's a little.. much." "It's fine, he's sweet." "Sweet? What lie did he tell you?" Quackity chuckled. "He said he thinks i'm nice and that you talk about me a lot." "Well that might not be a lie.." Wilbur said, trying to hide his blush.

Wilbur and Tommy were both on Wilburs bed, listening to Quackity telling them about what happened at the nurses office. "And that's it i guess." "Hm." Tommy hummed. "What's that?" Tommy asked, pointing at something in the background of Quackity's room. "What?" Quackity turned around as he was laying on his stomach. "That next to the door." Quackity stood up and walked towards his door. "You mean the guitar?" He asked, picking it up. "You play guitar?" Wilbur asked. "I used to." Quackity said, bringing his guitar to his bed. "Why did you stop?" "Well i learned it in Mexico and because we moved away i kind of stopped." Tommy nodded. "Can you play a song?!" He asked excitedly. "Dumbass, how should he play a song when he stopped playing?" "It's alright, i can try." Q smiled.

Quackity thought for a while before playing familiar chords. He didn't sing though, he just played it. As the song came to an end, Wilbur asked "Wasn't that Feliz Navidad?" Quackity smiled and nodded. "First song that came to mind.." "It was amazing!!" Tommy happily said. "Thank you!" Then there was a knock on the door. "Yeah?" "Tommy, it's time to go to bed." "Awh, alright. Goodnight Quackity!!" "Goodnight king" "I think i'll get going now too, goodnight Q" "Goodnight Will" They waved at each other before Wilbur hung up.

1326 Words

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