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The next day, Wilbur tiredly say up in his bed, rubbing his eyes. Suddenly he remembered. He quickly got up and ran to the bathroom. After he brushed his teeth and washed his face, he quickly changed and ran to the kitchen. "Good morning to you too, Will." His father chuckled. "Yeah yeah, i'm going to school, cya!" "Wha? Why in such a rush?" "Don't worry about it, see you after school, love you!" He said as he put on his shoes and coat.

Wilbur basically ran to school. As he arrived in front of the building, he panted heavily. After he calmed down a little, he stood up straight and walked into the building. He, again, ran towards his locker, getting all the things he needed before heading off to Quackity's locker. As he arrived there, he finally rested. Quackity wasn't there yet, which was good for him. He wanted to stay with Quackity as long as he can, just to make sure he's alright.

15 Minutes later, Quackity finally arrived at school. He was a little confused as he saw Wilbur waiting by his locker already. "Wilbur?." Quackity asked. "Q! Hello!" The taller smiled at him. "What're you doing here? You're never this early." The mexican said. "Yeah well- I just wanted to make sure you're alright and no one's bothering you!" Wilbur smiled at him. "Oh eh.. you know you don't need to." "But i want to" The brit answered, dragging out the 'o'. Quackity chuckled, opening his locker. "How's Tommy?" "He's fine i'd say. He loved your performance yesterday." Wilbur laughed as Quackity got red. "It wasn't that good" he muttered. "Sure, if you say so." Wilbur said, pulling Quackity beanie over his eyes. Quackity gave Wilbur an annoyed look. "Really?" He said, fixing his beanie. Wilbur just nodded, grinning like an idiot.

"You're a dumbass." Quackity laughed as he closes his locker. "I love you too." Wilbur chuckled. Quackity looked at Wilbur as he blushed. "E-eh?" Wilbur smirked. "You heard me darling." "I- Uh-" Q got even more redder. Wilbur started laughing. The ravenette just rolled his eyes. "Whatever" he said, walking away from Wilbur. "H-hey, wait!" Wilbur said in between laughs, running after the other. "You're an idiot, you know that?" "Yeah" Q glared at his best friend, who just grinned at him. "Sometimes i wonder how i've been able to stand you for so long." Wilbur chuckled. "It's because you love meee" "Don't get ideas." Quackity chuckled.

"Hmph" Wilbur huffed. "Only if he knew.." Q thought as he walked beside the brunette. "What classes have you got today?" "Wait i'll give you my schedule.."

After school cuz im lazy 💗🥰

They walked out of the campus as always, stopping in front of the street. "Mind if i walk you home today?" Wilbur asked, a little unsure what the others reaction would be. "Oh uhm.. sure, you can walk with me." Q managed to get out, smiling at Wilbur. The brit happily nodded, telling the other stories about Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo as they walked to Q's house. Quackity gladly listened, all of them seeming interesting.

"Well, we're here." Quackity said, stopping in front of his house. Wilbur looked at the others house. "It looks nice." "Thank you." Q smiled. "Oh and before you go" "Hm?" "Wanna come to my house on Saturday? If you want you can stay for the night.. we could watch some movies or something else if you'd like." Wilbur asked, smiling at Q as he stood in front of him. Quackity felt his heart race. Did he really just ask that? "Of course!" The ravenette smiled. "Great! I'll pick you up at 5 pm, if that's alright." "Sure, 6 is good!.." "Alright then! See you tomorrow!" "Y-yeah, see you tomorrow." Wilbur smiled at Quackity before walking off. The mexican watched his best friend, smiling and shaking his head before walking towards the front door and into his house.

"Hola mamá," he greeted his mother as he took off his shoes. "i'm back from school." He walked into the kitchen, his mother giving him a smirk. Quackity looked at his mother confused. "What?" "Who was that guy?" She asked. Quackity got red. "That uh- he was just my best friend." He said embarrassed, rubbing the back of his neck. "Uh huh.. just your best friend?" "Yeah?.." She rolled her eyes and put her coffee down on the table. "I saw the way you looked at each other" She teased. "Oh come on" Q whined. His mother laughed, standing up and walking to her son. "Are you in love, Alex?" She asked as she cupped his face. Q scoffed, shoving her hands away. "I'm not." He said. "You are!" She excitedly said. "Tell me about him!!" "Mamá.." he said, dragging out the 'a'. "Pleasee, i need to know who my son's dating!!" "Mamá!" Quackity blushed. His mother grabbed his hand and pulled him into the living room, sitting him down on the couch.

She sat down beside her son, looking at him curiously. "Fine, what do you want to know?" "What is he like? How does he treat you? How long do you two know each other? What were you two talking about?" "Alright Alright- Well he's very nice. He always comes to my locker and walks me to class. He is very popular and every girl wants to be with him.. He mostly ignores them though. We know each other since 9th grade i think?" He explained. His mother just nodded. "Does he treat you good?" She asked in a protective tone. "Don't worry, he treats me good. He always makes sure i'm alright and he's always there for me. He even eh 'protected' me yesterday." Quackity's mother smiled. "That's good. But what were you talking about?" "Well- He asked me if i wanted to come over to his house tomorrow and that i could stay the night.." Quackity got a little red as he said that. "What did you say?" "..I agreed. He said he'd pick me up at 5pm tomorrow.. Is that alright?"

"Of course it is!! I'm so happy for you! You finally found someone you love!" His mother happily said, hugging her son. "Ma- I-" He sighed and hugged her as well. "I don't even know if he likes guys, and if he would i don't think he'd pick me." His mother looked at him with an unbelievable look. "Really? Are you this blind? He loves you!! I can tell. And if he doesn't, then he needs better glasses. Blind fuck, he should be very grateful that you fell for him." Q chuckled. "Yeah well- his little brother really loves me. I think he'd be disappointed if we stopped talking.." "That's good, you have his brother on your side." His mother laughed.

"Well," Quackity's mother stood up. "You can stay at his place tomorrow, but you need to do your homework now." She said. "Fine." Q whined.

Wilbur smiled before walking off. Once he was far enough away, he let out a relieved sigh. "Thank god.." he whispered to himself, continuing to walk home. He was so happy that Quackity agreed, and he was sure Tommy would be too. After about 40 minutes, he was in front of his home. He smiled as he opened the door. Though, his mother didn't look as happy. "Why is she upset this time?" he thought to himself. "What?" "Where were you?" "What do you mean?" he asked before looking at the time. "Holy shi-" The walk from school to Q's house was 30 minutes long, and then back to his was 40 minutes. He was an hour late. "Why the fuck are you an hour and 10 minutes late? Where were you this time?!" Kristen angrily asked. Wilbur sighed. "I walked a friend home and his house is 40 minutes away. I also asked him if he could come over tomorrow and maybe stay until sunday.." Kristen gave him a suspicious look. "And who is that friend?" "Quackity?.." His mother sighed. "Is he coming tomorrow or not?" "He is. If that's alright?"

"It's fine. Does he have our address?" Wilbur shook his head. "I'm picking him up at 5pm." "Alright then. I'm telling your father someone's coming over tomorrow, also, go do your homework." "Did it in school." "Then.. go entertain Tommy and his friends." "Do i need to?" Wilbur whined. "Yes." The taller sighed, rolling his eyes. "Fine."

The brit walked up the stairs and into Tommy's room, knocking on the door before entering. As he opened the door, all the attention went to him. "WILBY!!" Tommy happily yelled as he got up, running to his brother to give him a hug. And so did his two best friends. "Hello little gremlins. And hello Ran." "H-hi!" Wilbur smiled, giving Ranboo a little pat on the head. "What're you doing?" The oldest asked. "We're playing lego!" Tubbo proudly said. "Ooh" Wilbur chuckled. "Wanna play with us?" Ranboo asked, looking at Wilbur with sparkling eyes. "Of course." Wilbur said, how could he say no to Ranboo?

"By the way," Wilbur said after a while "tomorrow we're having a guest. So behave." They all looked at him. "Who's coming over tomorrow??" Tommy asked curiously. "Do we know them??" Tubbo continued. Ranboo just stayed quiet. "Can't tell you yet, but be nice." "We're always nice!" Tommy huffed. "..." Ranboo laughed as Wilbur didn't say anything. "Hey! Don't laugh at us!" Tommy said in a playfully mad way.

Why don't we call Quackity's parents Sofia and Diego? :)

1598 Words

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