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Quackity quickly pulled away from Wilbur and sat up. Wilbur could've swore his family would do this on purpose. "Oh, good morning you two!" His mother said in a sweet tone. "You must be Quackity, am i right?" Kristen asked. "Y-yeah." "Nice to meet you Quackity!" "E-eh nice to meet you too.." "Oh, i'm Kristen!" Quackity just awkwardly nodded. "Well i just wanted to say that food will be ready soon. "Alright." Wilbur said with a nod. "We'll be downstairs in a few." Kristen smiled at them before leaving.

Suddenly Quackity got pinned down on the bed. His heart raced as he looked at Wilbur, who just smirked at him. "So where were we?" He said in a teasing way, leaning closer to the other. "I-idiot." Quackity said, hiding his face in his hands. Wilbur laughed, almost falling out of bed as he did so. Quackity started laughing as well as he saw Wilbur panicking, thinking he'd fall out of bed. "Are you okay?" Q asked as he laughed. Wilbur shook his head, still laughing.

After the two idiots finally calmed down, Wilbur helped Q stand up from his bed. They walked downstairs together, Quackity thinking about holding Wilbur's hand. In the end, Quackity didn't hold his hand as he was too nervous. He already was thinking about when Wilbur almost kissed him, that made him even more nervous. Well, not really nervous, but when he thought of it, or just Wilbur in general, he got butterflies. At least that's what his mother said when he described the feeling to her. "Good morning you two." Quackity heard, which got him out of his thoughts. "Good morning." He answered. "Morning. Where's Techno?" "Boxing." Wilbur nodded, sitting down at the table. Quackity sat down next to him, unsure if he's allowed to sit there. He looked at Wilbur like a lost puppy, not knowing what to do or say. "So, Quackity, i'm Phil. Wilbur's father." The blonde man said. "N-nice to meet you." The mexican stuttered. Phil smiled at him. "Nice to meet you too!"

They talked a little bit before Phil asked "Quackity, if you don't mind me asking, are you American?" Wilbur laughed. "I thought that too at first.." "Shut up." Quackity whispered to his 'best friend'. "Erm.. no, i'm not. I'm actually Mexican." He said, rubbing his neck embarrassed. Phil nodded. "You speak English pretty fluently, good job." He chuckled. "Eh thanks.." Wilbur looked at Quackity for a second, noticing he's a bit uncomfortable. "Hey mom, what are you making?" He asked, knowing Phil would stop talking to Quackity after that. "Oh, i'm making fish and chips! I hope you don't mind that, Quackity." "Of course not. I just haven't tried it yet-" "You didn't?" Wilbur asked surprised. Quackity shook his head. "Well i hope you'll like it then!" Kristen smiled at them.

Just as the room went silent, Tommy and Tubbo ran into the kitchen, Ranboo following along. "You two! Take off your dirty shoes before entering the kitchen!" Kristen told them. Both groaned annoyed and walked out of the kitchen to untie their shoe laces. Soon, the three of them walked into the kitchen. "Mum!!" Tommy happily said. "We were having a play fight! Guess who won!!" "Hmm.." His mother pretended to think. "Ranboo?" Tommy shook his head. "Tubbo?" Again, Tommy shook his head. "Oh.. well who else could that be?.." She pretended to think again. "Me! Me! I won!!" Tommy happily said, jumping around. Kristen giggled, patting Tommy's head. "That's great, dear. Did you two have fun as well?" She asked Tubbo and Ranboo. Both if them nodded, smiling brightly.

After they ate

Wilbur and Quackity were walking upstairs, Wilbur walking behind his 'best friend'. The idiot he is decided to randomly pick him up. Quackity gasped in surprise as Wilbur picked him up. "You bitch! Put- Put me down!!" Quackity said, clinging onto Wilbur as he didn't want to fall. "Relax, i won't drop you." Wilbur laughed. "I fucking hope so, i'll break every single bone in my body if you tall fuck drop me." The ravenette huffed, still clinging onto the brit. Wilbur just laughed at Q, opening the door to his room.

Wilbur walked towards his bed, still carrying Quackity. He gently laid Q down on his bed, getting on top of him. "W-What are you-" Wilbur laid down on top of Quackity, hugging him. Quackity blushed, patting Wilbur. "Wanna watch a movie?" Wilbur said with a smirk, looking at Quackity. "No horror." "Finee." Wilbur hid his smile, not wanting Quackity to see it. "What movie do you want to watch?" Q asked. "Hm, i don't know. Comedy?" "Sure, i don't mind." Wilbur nodded, sitting up to get the remote. Quackity got into a more comfortable position as Wilbur picked out a movie. Once Wilbur got a good movie, he went back to Quackity, laying down on him again. Quackity laughed, hugging Wilbur and playing with has hair. "You're not even watching the movie" he said. Wilbur just shrugged, yawning tiredly.

In the middle of the movie, Wilbur fell asleep. Quackity was still playing with his hair as he was watching the movie. Before the movie had ended, Quackity fell asleep as well. A few hours later, he woke up to a lot, and i mean A LOT, notifications. He yawned before grabbing his phone. "Wha- It's already 6?!" He thought to himself. He had 20 messages from his father, 65 from his mother and 13 missed calls. Quackity pulled his hand away from Wilbur to use both hands for texting.


Where are you
Are you alright?
Please answer
Are you still at Wilbur's house?
What are you doing?
It's 6
When are you coming back?
Me and your father are worried
please answer Alex
Why aren't you answering?
Did something happen?
Please tell me you're alright
Did they upset you?
Is your phone dead?
Why aren't you answering?
Please tell me
Is something wrong?
Answer please
I'm worried
please tell me you're okay
i'm worried
and your father is as well
should we pick you up?
please answer
alex please answer
we're worried
alexis answer now
i know you're getting this
why aren't you answering??
alex please
when are you coming home?
Alex answer now.
Please just tell me you're alright

And there was more. Quackity sighed, not even opening his father's texts.

I'm fine mom don't worry, me and Wilbur fell asleep
i'll be home in an hour, alright?

I'm glad you're alright
we were worried
see you later!


Quackity put his phone away as he heard Wilbur let out an annoyed noise. The mexican chuckled, patting his 'friend'. "Wilbur, wake up." He said. "Hmhh.." Wilbur hummed. "I need to leave soon." "Noo.." Q smiled. "I do i'm sorry. It's already 6." "But it's so comfy right now" Wilbur whined. "I still need to go." Quackity laughed. Wilbur sighed, looking at Q. "Fine." The taller said, getting up.

"We should probably change first though." "Yeah-" Wilbur showed Quackity the bathroom, letting him brush his teeth and change in peace. Just as Q came back, Wilbur was sliding on his hoodie. "You think it's cold outside?" Q asked. "I guess it is, mom said we should wear something warm." Wilbur shrugged. The other just let out a quiet "oh". "Why?" Q rubbed his neck, a bit embarrassed. "I don't have a second hoodie or sweater.. i guess i'll just wear the one from yesterday." "You can have one of mine if you want." "You sure?" "Of course! I don't mind it." Wilbur smiled at his 'best friend'. "Alright then.." The ravenette smiled back at him.

After a few minutes of searching and Quackity just standing there, Wilbur finally found the hoodie he was looking for. It was a big dark blue hoodie, Wilbur knew that Quackity loved that colour so he decided he'd give it to him. "Thank you!" Quackity said as Wilbur handed it to him. "You're welcome." Wilbur smiled, watching Q put on his hoodie, that was of course a 'little' too big on him. "You look adorable." "Shut up." Quackity huffed. Wilbur just rolled his eyes, picking Quackity up who immediately clinged onto him. "Y-You bastard! Put me down!" "What did you call me?" Wilbur asked, acting like he was about to drop the other. Quackity gasped, thinking Wilbur would actually drop him. "You bitch- Why did you do that?!" He whined, clinging more onto his friend. Wilbur just laughed at Quackity's reaction.

After the two idiots finally got to the front door, Tommy came running towards them. "You're leaving already??" He said in a sad tone. "Yeah, i need to." Q said, leaning down to Tommy. "When will you visit again??" "I don't know, that's Wilbur's decision." Tommy turned to his brother, giving him puppy eyes. "I'm sure you'll see him again soon, don't act like you'll never meet him again." Wilbur laughed. Tommy pouted, turning back to Quackity. Tommy whispered something into Quackity's ear, who just nodded. Tommy happily smiled at Q, jumping up and down. "See you next time!!" He happily said. "Cya Tommy." Q smiled, patting him on the head before leaving with Wilbur.

As they arrived in front of Quackity's house, Wilbur asked if he's alright with coming over again as he didn't want Quackity to feel like he has to say yes. "I really don't mind, Will. Tommy's really nice and your parents are as well. Techno's just a little scary.." "Don't worry, once you get to know him better he's the sweetest person you've ever met." Wilbur chuckled. Quackity just nodded, smiling at the other. He hesitated before hugging Wilbur, who was a little confused but hugged back. "I'll get going now, see you tomorrow, Will." "See you tomorrow, Quackity." Wilbur smiled at him before the door closed.

1657 Words

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