Chapter 7: Scintillate

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Scintillate (origin: Latin)— "sparkle"; to emit quick flashes as if throwing off sparks.



The audacity. Standing there looking down at her with that ridiculous smirk gracing his face once again. Glass of wine in hand, he slid his sunglasses off and placed them on his head. His blue eyes sparkled as he grinned and looked into her eyes.

"Hey there, Berdara."

Catrin looked up at him, vacillating between shock and anger.

"Hello," she replied curtly, finally finding her words.  She swiftly turned on her heels leaving Nell, Leila, and Will confused in her wake. Leaning on all of her training, trying to keep her face a mask of neutrality, she made her way across the garden. She needed to do something productive to get past this feeling, and fast. 

"I am the rock, I am the rock," Catrin repeated to herself as she walked towards Phoenix and Caia with determination.

"Hi. Can we meet this week about a case I am working on?" she all but shouted at them as she approached the couple. They were standing near the long, beautifully arranged table talking amongst themselves when she interrupted.

"Hello, Catrin. How are you? We're both great. Thanks for asking." Phoenix drawled, sardonically. Caia shook her head at her mate lightheartedly. 

"Ignore them," Caia responded. "Phoenix is just in a mood from work. Of course we can meet this week. Let's not talk too much here about work though. Family dinners are supposed to be fun and relaxing!"

"Mood," Phoenix scoffed as they stared down to inspect their nails. "I wouldn't be in a so-called mood if people grew brains and stopped being ignorant, antiquated fools." They looked up at Catrin. "What is wrong with your powers? They are going berserk."

Through gritted teeth, Catrin looked up at Phoenix and responded, "I do not know. But thank you very much for pointing them out."

"Of course," Phoenix replied, not catching the clear sarcasm that was dripping from Catrin's every word. Caia rolled her eyes at the both of them. Taking a large sip of wine, Catrin continued to try and focus herself, slowly calming down. Caia scrutinized the singer for a moment before she started. 

"Alright, Cat. How about you get something to eat? There are plenty of hors d'oeuvre. Feyre made sure there was enough food to feed an army. I think she's just so excited that Nyx is back for good and definitely over did it."

Coughing on her drink, Catrin looked at Caia in confusion, "Excuse me?"

The two mates exchanged confused glances with each other at Catrin's outburst before Caia continued, "Well... yes? Nyx is back permanently. Feyre and Rhys announced it right before you walked in. Did he not say anything when you said hello?"

"No, he did not," she said shortly, trying to reel in her powers which seemed to be escaping across the garden, bouncing and pirouetting closer to the house. 

"You know, I think I will check in with my dad about wrangling at least my shadows. Will you excuse me?" Catrin didn't wait for a response before turning to look for her father. She spotted Azriel standing near the Sidra's bank speaking with Lucien and Elain and briskly made her way towards him.

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