Chapter 8: Retrouvaille

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Retrouvaille (origin: French)the joy of reuniting with someone after a long separation.



"How long has it been?!" Catrin started incredulously, staring back at him with equal intensity, "Apparently only one day, Archeron."

He laughed loudly at her sardonic response, running a hand through his dark, wavy hair. His outburst caused Alex and Nell to momentarily break from their conversation. Nell looked at Catrin with concern but she shook her head telling her not to worry, so Nell reluctantly turned back.

Catrin leaned forward, "You were making fun of me," she whispered to him, trying not to let the others hear. "You were making fun of me and you made me forget my book."

Nyx leaned forward, his lightly tanned face coming closer than Catrin would have expected across the large table. She leaned back a bit, shocked before quickly regaining her composure. He whispered back, that smirk apparently a constant presence on his face, "I have no idea what you are talking about, Berdara."

Annoyed, she looked at him, refusing to break eye contact, "You were blatantly laughing at me."

"And what does that have to do with you forgetting your book?"

"You distracted me."

"I have been told I am rather distracting," he said, raising a single eyebrow to accentuate his point.

"No, I— you know that is not what I meant. You were asking me ridiculous questions and..." she paused as realization hit her, "you knew."

Now it was his turn to look confused, "I knew what?"

"You knew who I was." Catrin's brain was working a million miles an hour finally putting the pieces together, and chastising herself for being so oblivious until now.

"There you are? I have been looking for you?" she whispered, quoting him from yesterday. She scoffed, "There is no book called 'You and Me'. You were looking for me."

"I have no idea what you are talking about." His gaze was intent upon her face, gauging her emotions as they exaggerated her expressions.

"Yes, you do," she said defiantly, as her brain sped through the scenario. "You were clearly not as shocked as I was when I walked into the garden tonight, so you must have recognized me yesterday."

Blue eyes met her teal as neither backed down from the stare, Catrin impatiently awaiting his response.

"Okay," Nyx leaned back in his chair, his large arms crossing against his chest. She could feel the air lighten making it easier to breathe as he moved backwards.

"So you caught me," he continued, smiling at her, "I ran into Nell as she was leaving the store and she told me you were still in there. It had been quite a while since we had seen each other, so I went in to say hi. Once I realized you didn't recognize me, I thought it would be fun to just pretend we were strangers."

"That is the most absurd thing I have ever heard," Catrin replied louder than she intended, prompting a few curious looks from those around the table.

At this, Nell and Alex fully shifted their attention from their conversation to join Nyx and Catrin's, both clearly sensing Catrin's annoyance getting the best of her.

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