Chapter 16: Antephialtic

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Antephialtic (origin: Greek)— something that protects against nightmares.



TW: Discussion of Catrin's work in this chapter. Please see story details for full trigger warnings.


Catrin woke up suddenly as she heard the water from the shower turn on. The room had dropped significantly in temperature overnight, causing her to burrow into her blankets. As she continued to lay, Catrin took three breaths. In through her nose for a count of six and out through her mouth for another six. She let her eyes close and kept breathing. She practiced her mind-stilling, as she let her mind go quiet, mentally preparing for the day ahead of them. They were going to find the woman they were seeking to help, a mortal named Gemma, and the initial meeting was always the hardest.

Catrin heard the water turn off and readied herself to get up for the day. Before she could open her eyes, she heard the door open. She slowly opened her eyes and saw Nyx back out of the washroom, his hand firmly on the handle as he tried to quietly ease it shut. She couldn't help staring at his tall frame, moving delicately as he tried to keep silent assuming she was still sleeping. She had never realized just how tall he stood. She knew that everyone seemed to tower over her but seeing him at this angle really put it in perspective. He turned and Catrin snapped her eyes shut on a whim. Not really sure what she was doing but she was certain she didn't want him to think she had been ogling him— which she wasn't. She slowly began to move, acting as if she was just beginning to wake.

    "You up over there, Berdara?" he whispered. She feigned a yawn and stretched her body before responding.

    "Yes, good morning," she replied, slowly blinking her eyes open.

    "Good morning," he said, casually. "Washroom is all yours."

    Catrin stood and gathered her things as she headed towards the door. There was no time to think of anything else today but the mission. She could feel her face betraying her, her brows pinching together as she thought about what today might bring. Before she reached the door, Nyx reached out, lightly grabbing her elbow, turning her towards him.

    "Hey, are you good?" he asked, worry etched across his face as he read her own.

    "I will be," she replied. There was no use trying to hide how she was feeling. She had to save her strength for their meeting with Gemma. Emotions and powers were in full view until they left the room. Catrin took a deep breath before slowly shrugging.

    "It is always hard, the emotional toll it takes to compartmentalize," she said. She wanted to be honest and transparent about the emotional toll this job took. She shook her head, trying to clear her mind. "I just need to distract myself until we go. How are you feeling?" Nyx nodded slowly thinking for a moment before speaking.

    "Truthfully? I'm a bit nervous. The power dynamic that is involved when I'm there..." he said, trailing off as he paused to think. "I'm nervous that she won't feel comfortable."

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