Chapter 22: Lacuna

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Lacuna (origin: Latin)— a blank space or a missing part
TW: Torture— Psychological, Physical, and Emotional. Allusion to Sexual Assault. Graphic Violence. Death.

There was a key .

The idiots left the key to her shackles on a hook just at the entrance of the cave. The confidence they had in themselves was astounding.

Catrin knew her powers would come back, she just needed to bide her time until then, slowly gaining back her strength, waiting for the faebane to fade. As she focused on reaching her powers, she suddenly heard footsteps already approaching the cave again. They were coming back. Looking around, she tried to find something to free at least one of her arms, anything to protect herself before they entered.

"Catrin!" A female voice yelled and her head swiveled towards the cave entrance, seeing four figures make their way into the cave. She couldn't hold in her emotions any longer as she saw her parents, Nell, and Ronan jogging towards the cave entrance. Tears of relief streamed down her face.

"Catrin..." Azriel said, as he reached her. He lowered to his knees, his wife next to him, as he gently lowered the rope from Catrin's mouth. He cupped her face with his hand, the uneven texture of them feeling like home against her skin.

"Dad," she breathed out, disbelief etched deeply across her face. "How—" she began, before coughing and spitting out more blood on the ground. "How did you find me?"

"Aila told us about her husband's proclivity for the caves at the same moment your sister informed us about unusual activity up here," he began, she looked over his shoulder to see if Aria had followed the four of them in. "She's not here," he said, moving from the rope now around her neck to analyze her shackles. "Your sister knew we would be able to handle it."

Catrin nodded, trying not to let it sting that she was too busy and steeled herself.

"Okay," Catrin tried to smile, her mouth was sore from the rope that had been there but she was relieved to be able to fully breathe again. "I am just so glad to see you." She felt a pull in her heart as she looked at her family. "I think they dosed me with faebane while I was unconscious."

Azriel spun suddenly towards the entrance. Catrin hadn't heard anything suspicious but she still had the poison coursing through her, all of her senses were dimmed.

"Gwyn, can you take over here? I want to stand guard with my shadows while you free her," Azriel looked to his wife, a darkness falling over his face as he stood.

He moved towards the entrance of the cave where Ronan and Nell were and joined them in protecting the cave while Gwyn spoke with Catrin.

"We were with Nell and Nyx at Windhaven when we got the news," Gwyn said, stroking her hair as she scrutinized her eldest's face.

At the sound of his name, Catrin's stomach dropped. Gwyn tucked a strand of dark hair behind her daughter's ear before examining her further.

"Is Nyx with you?" Catrin whispered.

"Oh no, honey. He sent his luck but he decided to go back and keep an eye on Aila," Gwyn replied, focused on the locations of the three locks. One for her body and one at each of her ankles.

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