Chapter 10

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Not to long from when I left America, I got a phone call. That phone call so happened to be from Antonio. I picked it up slightly, not knowing what Antonio was going to say or ask. Yet I was still skeptical to pick up the phone.

"Hello?" I asked a bit of curiosity laced into my voice.

"Hola, it's Antonio!" He said in a cheerful tone that I could still make out through the phone.

"Yeah, I know, because there is this magical thing called caller ID." I grinned as I heard him chuckled through the phone.

"Yeah, I know. I wanted you to know it was me and not some thief."

"Oh, so you're not a thief, dang it!" I said and earned other chuckle.

Then the other line went silent, as did I.

"I miss you (Your Name)." I heard someone say abrubtly, though it was obvious that it was a girl's voice.

"Lovina?" My voice cracked as I said her name that hadn't rolled off my tongue in awhile.

"Si, that's me. Listen, (Your Name) I'm sorry for kicking you out so quickly but I didn't want you to get hurt anymore than you were." She explained and I just nodded along. Listening to the sound of her Italian accent was calming as she spoke softly and clearly.

After she finished talking,the love went silent again.

"I understand." My voice had cracked a bit from listening to her.

I heard a sigh of relief come from the phone as if she was glad that I understood.

"Well, I have to go.I still have school to attend. Goodbye (Your Name)." She spoke before she hung up on me.

I stood there in the middle of my room before there was a knock on my door. "Come in." I said as loud as my voice would allow.

Eve stepped in and smiled. "Hey, (Your Name)! I have someone I want you to meet." She led a boy in. He had light brown hair and blue eyes. Other than that he looked like a normal kid.

"H-Hello sir." The boy said, his voice shaking a bit. I motioned him to come in further. He obeyed. "What's your name?" I asked polietly, tilting my head a bit while doing so.

A moment of silent as if the boy forgot his name.


He squeaked out shivering a bit.

"Well Jett, what brings you here?"

This time Eve answered for him. "Mom and Dad are going to adopt him as my younger brother and your older brother!" Eve sounded excited, Yes out was too, but it would feel weird having another sibling rest is older than me. Yet I have to admit, it would be cool to have an older brother to look up to.

I smiled,"Welcome to our family Jett." I held my hand out and that made him smile and he reached out and gently shook my hand.

As were let go of each others hands, my phone rang again and I picked it up.

"Hello?" My voice was soft and even though I wasn't talking to Jett, he seemed to relax.

"Hey, It's Antonio again. I isn't get to talk to you After Lovina pryed the phone from my hands. So goes living back in your home country?"

Silence. "It's, different." I answered. I heard him sigh as someone yelled in the background.

"You know, it hasn't been the same with out you." He said moments later.

A smile crossed my face. "I wish I could visit but it's to soon."

I glanced at where Eve and Jett once stood. There stood Dad watching me. I looked away and gripped the phone a bit tightly.

"I know mi amigo, but you have to end up proposing to Lovina sooner it later." I sighed.

"Yes I know that, but I feel like I'm not ready."

I was being honest, I wasn't ready. Not even close.

"And time make matters worse, what if I have to become king whole I'm there?"

"That is a very good question. That only you know the answer to."

"Give me some credit here I'm trying."

"I know you are (Your Name). I know you are."

Then I heard more yelling in the background.

"Okay I'm sorry but I have to go."

"Okay bye Antonio."

Then the line went silent signaling that he had hung up.

"So you want to go back to America for a little while?" Dad asked as he stood up straight from his leaning on the door position.

I gulped but nodded as I set my phone down and sat on the bed.

"Tell you what, in a few weeks, after we introduce Jett as your new brother, we'll let you go and visit for a week or two."

My eyes widened, "R-Really?!?" My voice cracked in surprise. He nodded and at that moment I sprang up and gave him a bear hug before running off.

As I left I heard a chukle coming from him as he closed bedroomdoor and walked the opposite way.

A/n - Sorry for the poor excuse of a chapter, this is just a filler so don't bate me. The new one should be up about Thursday or Friday.

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