Separation Success (Pt. 5) : Sun and Moon x Female Reader

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(A/n: Well here you go a part 5 so I hope you guys enjoy it ;3)

~ Y/n's POV ~

I was sleeping for quite a while only to wake up as I heard 2 voices coming from Sun's room. I then get up off Moon's bed and quietly open the door to peak out. I then see just as I was expecting to.

Sun and Moon were bonding like the brothers they were in fact they were in a really cute position too. Sun was laying on top of Moon and holding him in a way while Moon had his hand on Sun's head gently rubbing it and making his rays move

 Sun was laying on top of Moon and holding him in a way while Moon had his hand on Sun's head gently rubbing it and making his rays move

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I then lean against the door frame and listened in out of curiosity

- Parts Of The Conversation From Y/n's POV -

Moon: "Y-You care about me?"

Sun: "Well yeah. Why else do you think I did what I did for you? I was worried sick about you. In fact when you were out cold a-all I wanted was for you to wake up and feel better and that's still the only thing I want"

Moon: "But you feared me... for so long. Ever since we were built you have"

Sun: "I did yes and honestly I still do the slightest bit. However things change so I don't fear you as much as I did before. In fact ever since we separated last night and I saw you in your new body officially activated for the first time all sluggish and not feeling well something clicked and changed inside me. The same thing happened when you looked the same ill way after yelling at the kids. So because of that I now just want to be here for you. I want to be the brother who loves you and takes care of you not fears you"

Moon: "F-Fuck Sun th-that's so sweet."

Sun: "A-Are you crying? I-I didn't mean to make you cry"

Moon: "N-No I'm not"

Sun: "Don't lie to me brother"

Moon: "Fine, maybe I am crying...a little. You're just so sweet a-and it's amazing to actually get to see you physically"

Sun: "Heh..." *nuzzles him*

Moon: "Sun you do realize what you just said to me is all I ever wanted for you as well. In fact I only pretended to not care about the pain it caused you to transform. However that's not the truth. The truth is that I actually did care about it. In fact you have no idea how much it actually hurt my own personal heart to see you have such pain during transformation. I never meant to hurt you. Yes I fought for control at certain times but it was only because I knew your time to control the body was up. The truth is that I do really care about you as a brother Sun... I always have. In fact some would even say I'm protective of you in a way because I am. I would honestly fight for you heck even die for you before I would even let anyone lay a finger on you and cause harm to you"

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