Important Author's Note : The End?!

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Hey my pups, don't freak out about the title of this part in fact I know it's been a while since I did one of these but I wanna let y'all know something.

So first of all yes I did change the main cover of  this book because I thought it was cuter. But other than that I wanted to thank y'all for reading this book and supporting me along the way from start to finish

So yes that does mean I'm ending this oneshot book here but before y'all get sad and all go "WHAT! NO!" Like I said it's not the actual end that's why I said don't freak out.

You see I basically just decided to make a 2nd oneshot and smutshot book instead. In fact making a 2nd oneshot and smutshot book has been on my mind for a while now and this is why...

So basically I'm doing this because this specific book was getting way too long to the point it was starting to get hard for me to find the oneshot or smutshot I was working on. I mean this book has 100+ parts in all  just take a look XD

Yeah I REALLY like writing with the celestial boys if that's not obvious XD

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Yeah I REALLY like writing with the celestial boys if that's not obvious XD. So you can see how finding the specific thing I'm writing is getting harder and harder. Reasons as to why I'm moving books.

So again no this is not the end just simply a change of books. However I will still update this book even though it will say "completed" from now on but just not as much as I use too.

Other than that because of how many parts there are I've basically decided to pick a few oneshots and smutshots from here and place them in the other book instead. So do me a favor and go like them when they come out even if you've already read them but enjoyed them.

Anyway, the majority of the ones I've picked have to do with the AU daughter of Twila and my crossover AU oneshots. I've also picked a few other parts to move to the new book as well. So if you can't find a specific oneshot or smutshot then that's probably because it's been deleted from this book and moved to the other.

So with that being said here's what the new book is called ;3

So with that being said here's what the new book is called ;3

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Yeah pretty simple... I wanted to make it simple so y'all know it's from this book. Anyway now that I got that off my chest I hope you guys enjoy the "new" book. However one last thing before I go... since I'm still having major no motivation to write whatsoever don't expect this 2nd book to be updated constantly.

Anyways with that being said I'm now concluding this A/n here so I love y'all and hope to see ya in the next book ;3

~ Rachel/Luna💜

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