Rant 4

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So, today, I was called 'fatty' by some guy (I don't know who exactly), who didn't like a speech I did on feminism. And I struggle with body image issues. So, if I'm called fat, it ruins me. I lasted about 1 minute after being called fat, before crying. My friends were amazing- the boys wanted to beat the guy up, and the girls were all like 'you're not fat, Thorna' (I can't say my real name). But that doesn't change that that one word is going to mean that I'm going to look in the mirror for the next week, at least, hating myself and my body, and when I go to Australia for a holiday, I'm going to hate how I look in my togs. I've struggled with these issues since I was 9, which is too young to deal with this crap. It's ruined my self confidence.
And I just want everyone reading this to know that you're beautiful. And, yeah, you would have heard that all the time, and if you do hate your body, you won't believe it. So, I'll rephrase that. Your body doesn't deserve the hate you might give it, even if you don't want to. Your body carries you through life. And I know just how DAMN HARD it is to love yourself. But, everyone on this planet is amazing (except for maybe murderers), and I love you all. I understand what you're going through, and I don't want you to go through it. It's no ones business what you look like- your body is not their body.
So please, please, love yourself for who you are. We are all deserving of love- you wouldn't say what you say to yourself to anyone else.
Here's a quote to finish off my emotional breakdown rant:No one is going to stand up at your funeral, and say 'she had a small waist, and a great thigh gap.'
So, please, love yourself for who you are. You are loved. So love you, please.

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