Rant 6

18 1 0

Bisexuality is real.

I'm bi. I know what it's like. And it's so stupid that some people say it isn't real. 

That's like saying that a cancer isn't real, because you haven't experienced it. But cancer is real- my grandad died from it, my nana's had it twice, my other grandad had it, my great uncle died from it, and my dog died from it 2 years ago. And bisexuality is real.

I like a guy on day, and a girl the next. Or even, one minute: this guy's hot, and the next: ooh, that girl's pretty.

If that isn't bisexuality, then what is it?

Some people say we're confused. That we should pick a side- gay or straight. That's like telling someone 'you can only like ONE food.' NOT POSSIBLE.

We're not confused. Please open your eyes to that if you're biphobic. You're the one's that are confused, not us.

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