twenty-five: but before I can fly up

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Levi wonders which one of these tubes he could rip out- if any- would put him back into a coma.

She never said you were dead.

She never said it.

But the look on her face...

No. Levi will wait for Hange. He can wait.

But he can't help it- his mind is going to dangerous places. How long has he been out? Maybe you're not dead, but- but injured? Did the rebels manage to take the Capitol? Did you win?

His blood runs cold. Did the rebels lose? He knows Zackly's dead, felt his skull crack under his boot as he used him to break his fall- but Reiss is still out there. Or, he could be. Fuck- maybe you lost. Maybe they blew up the Capitol building and killed everyone, and-

Isabel and Farlan. Are they okay? What about everyone else?

...Did the Capitol win? Were you captured?

Levi doesn't know what he'll do if you were captured again.

He can't get the nurse's face out of his mind. The way her eager, nervous face fell slack. The hurry to leave the room rather than face him. Avoiding eye contact.

You're either dead or captured. Or badly injured and not recovering. Or-

"For fuck's sakes," Levi says to himself.

He doesn't know anything. He's overthinking. He needs to wait and hear from a reputable source. But he doesn't want to wait. He doesn't want to. He wants to hear the truth, he wants to hear that you're alright and that the only reason you're not sitting next to his bedside is because you're getting food or sleep or taking care of yourself.

Fuck this. Levi tries to sit up again. It goes a bit better. 

He's hooked up to too many things. He has half a mind to tear them all out. But he doesn't.

Levi's just begun a serious debate in his head about which tubes he can remove when he hears footsteps. He straightens up, eyes glued to the door. Nothing nearby to use as a handheld weapon, but he could pull on the tubes and pull carts forward, maybe deterring an attacker-

It's not an attacker. It's Hange. Hange bursts through the door.

They're completely out of breath. They slam the door shut behind them, then try to say something, but they're gasping for air. "Hurry up," Levi says.

He needs to hear it. Good news, bad news, whatever it is. He needs to hear it.

Finally, they straighten up. "She's alive," Hange blurts out. "And she's okay."

Levi blinks.

Hange nods vigorously. They blink twice, like they're pushing back tears. 

"Don't lie to me," Levi says warningly.

They shake their head viciously. "I'm not, Levi, I'm not. She's alive, I promise," they choke out, sinking to their knees next to his bed. Hange grabs his hand; Levi lets them. "She's alive. She really is. She- it's a long story."

"Then make it short and let me see her."

"Levi, you've been comatose for nearly a week-"

He starts to swing his legs off of the bed; it doesn't go according to plan. His body hurts. "Levi, you idiot," Hange scolds, standing up and easing him back into bed. "She's... she's not here. It's complicated."

He's getting sick of this. "Then fucking uncomplicate it."

"Will you sit still long enough for me to actually tell you?" Hange challenges. Levi pauses in his struggle to get himself off the bed. "That's more like it. Now lie down, dumbass."

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