twenty-six: I've loose ends to tie up

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Happy Friday! Thursday? I'm losing track


He wonders why it's taking so long for you to wake up.

Hange offered to show him around, and Levi let them cart him around the cabin. It's nice, sure, but clearly not equipped to be lived in- yet, Hange tells him. Apparently, between them and Farlan, they're going to make sure the two of you have everything you need. 

The hallway leads to a nice, open space. Couch, armchair, television mounted above a fireplace. The kitchen is next to it, with a long counter and a small kitchen table. Lots of windows- "all one way glass," Hange assures him. "You can see out, but no one can see in."

"I know what one way glass is, dumbass," he'd said.

"Just making sure!"

He's briefly shown all of the rooms in the hallway that extends through the cabin. Two bedrooms- one small one, where he'd woken up, and a larger one where you are. Surprisingly large bathroom. Security room, linked to a dozen cameras that have been set up around the property, complete with alarm systems.

"You'll hear a buzz when someone crosses the perimeter line, which is, like, ten feet from the house."

"It says fifty meters," Levi had pointed out, pointing to the screen with the distance noted.

Hange had thrown their hands in the air. "I have no depth perception."


There's a ladder too, which Hange says leads up to a study and a small weapons cache. They tell him that they're happy to keep it stocked, but Levi feels like it's just going to turn into a massive collection of archery equipment. And maybe throwing knives. Not that he's complaining- but maybe it's about time he can start convincing you to wear gloves.

Eventually, Hange wheels him back to your room. Still, you haven't woken up- but he should know better. It won't be instantaneous.

Still, there he stays. Hange brings him food from the kitchen, then says they're going to go pass out. Levi wonders how long they've been up. What they've had to do in the last twenty-four hours must have been exhausting.

He sits next to you, and he eats his food.

When he gets bored, he stands up. He practices walking. The boot on his foot keeps his damn ankle locked in place, so he doesn't feel much. His other ankle twinges when he walks.

He refuses to be in a wheelchair when you wake up. He doesn't want you worrying about him.

So he stands, he walks the length of the room, then he sits. And he does it again, and again, and again, and it gets easier every time.

At some point, Levi thinks he sleeps. There's a window in this room, but the heavy curtains are pulled shut, and he hasn't bothered moving them. He's got no idea how much time has passed.

Why won't you wake up? Just hurry up already. He misses you.

He's half asleep, his hand loosely resting in yours, when some sort of alarm goes off. Levi jolts straight out of his seat, putting a bit too much pressure on the foot without the boot. He bites the inside of his cheek to hide his wince.

There's a bang and a yelp from down the hall, and Levi throws himself at the door. "It's fine!" Hange calls, and Levi rounds the corner of the hallway to find them half on the floor. They tripped. "It's fine, that's the alarm that someone tripped the perimeter, but it's Farlan, I know it's Farlan."

"Please tell me that damn thing can be changed," he grumbles, glaring at the small white box attached to the ceiling that he's sure was the source of the noise.

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