CHAPTER 7 - Realisation

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"I didn't tell you about my crush on you know who for us to do nothing, Fallon. I need your help- are you listening to me? Who are you looking for?" Tay asked, annoyed.

I directed my gaze from the bustling cafeteria back to her. "When have you ever needed help with boys?" I snorted, purposely avoiding her question.

Ever since my interaction with the handsome stranger this morning, I couldn't keep my curiosity at bay. I had so many questions, starting with his name? Why did he steal that motorcycle? He had to be rich to afford the one he currently had, and if so was he a new or old money kid?

And most importantly, why did I get butterflies around him?

Once I hit puberty, I grew into my features, my body developed and I wore my height well. I was a pretty girl, so boys had paid attention to me the other years. But even Luca had never made me feel like this after one conversation.

Tay crossed her arms, drawing my attention back to her. "Linc's not like other guys. One, because I never actually developed real feelings for them. And two, if I'm a player, he's the master player. He goes through girls like you go through hairbrushes."

I ran a hand over my thick hair. "They don't make hair brushes strong enough these days. It's ridiculous if you think about it."

She rolled her eyes, turning back to her salad. "Fallon, focus. We need to make a plan while he isn't seeing anyone."

I took a bite of my pasta. "Tay, I'm sorry, but I really can't take this crush seriously. Out of all the guys in this school, in the world, you like him?"

"The heart wants what it wants," She shrugged with a small smile. "Love isn't a language that everyone understands."

"Oh, so it's love now?" I cackled, dodging her fist narrowly.

"Fallon!" She whined. "If I wanted to be made fun of I would have gone to Perdita."

"Speaking of, where is she?" My eyes scanned the cafeteria again. Tay and I were on a table in the corner, whilst the love of her life sat with my boyfriend and his football team. The stranger from earlier was nowhere to be seen, even in the hallways between classes. It was like he disappeared.

"Who cares." Tay shrugged, sipping her bottled water. "The less of her I see, the happier I am."

"I agree, but it's unnerving. I have to keep my friends close, but my enemies closer."

Tay waved a hand dismissively. "Back to the topic of love. How did you get Luca anyway? He never dated, always focused on school and football."

A small smile graced my lips as I thought back to a year ago. "It was nothing special. I already knew about him because his parents did business with mine when we first moved here. I'd always noticed him but he never really noticed me, until one day he randomly started talking to me. Then a few months after we went on our first date, it became history from there."

Tay let out a wistful sigh. "You're so lucky. Luca seems like a great boyfriend."

This made me give her a look. "Don't tell me I'll have to be watching out for you and Perdita."

Tay's laughter was drowned out by the ring of the bell which signalled the end of lunch. We put our plates away and walked down the hallway together, surrounded on all sides by others.

"Wanna come to mine after school?" My friend shouted over the chatter, glaring at a year 7 who was too close.

"I have a meeting with the school council, then dinner with Luca." I shouted back.

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