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The blond boy was now getting ready to fight since he was next to fight. He had to fight the one and only NightFace.

NightFace was a demon so he always fought in his demon form. And Tommy was scared shitless.


he sighed as he pulled his mask up to his eyes and placed it on his face. He quickly ran out waving to everyone and the crowd cheered. He made his way to nightface and stuck out his arm to shake it.

He turned around and took 4 steps forward and turned around to face NightFace.

"Let the battle begin" Scott yelled and NightFace charged at Tommy as fast as he could. Tommy dodged his attack and grabbed nightface's leg. NightFace stumbled and Tommy let out a heavy breath.

The crowd was gasping and cheering. Tommy glanced at the crowd as he dodged another nightface's attack and he saw the royal family watching intensely.

NightFace got a hit on Tommy and Tommy stumbled to the floor and quickly got up launching at the demon. But he dodged.

Tommy's hands were suddenly cold. Colder then most of the time. This was weird.

It wasn't even cold outside they were out of the Antarctic villages.

Tommy looked to the demon and he was looking confused as the crowd went silent. Tommy noticed that demons legs were frozen to the floor.

Tommy got up and inspected the ice. "What the-" Tommy was cut off by the demon breaking free and jumping onto Tommy.

Tommy dodged NightFace and quickly started running and dodging nightface's dark orbs flying by.

Tommy was breathing heavily and turned to face NightFace and he got hit by the orb and was sent flying in the air and his back hit one of the walls.

Tommy groaned and the crowd gasped. He looked up to see the demon coming closer. He got up slowly and grabbed his sword and stood in his stance.

His hands were shaking because they were becoming more cold and cold. "Not giving up you muffin head?" Asked NightFace as Tommy shook my head. He got closer and closer and then Tommy then stricked.

It took the demon of guard and Tommy then hit his shoulder and chest with his sword and then demon was on the floor.

Tommy started murmuring holy shit to himself as the crowd cheered and NightFace  looked at Tommy and smiled. "WE HAVE A WINNER!!" Scott said as he handed him the emeralds. "THANK YOU EVERYONE!!" Tommy yelled as he held the two emeralds in his hands.

The crowd was chanting his fighter name and the royal family seemed concerned.

Tommy helped his opponent up and helped him to ranboos office.

Once he dropped him off he made it to the blacksmith and he was met with his friend tubbo and the royal family.

He chose to ignore the royal family as always. "TUBBSSS"

"HEYY" tubbo spoke as he started to ignore the royal family.

"Yeah so who's turn is to cook dinner today?" Tommy asked genuinely curious. Tubbo looked very very disgusted as he remembered that it's ranboos turn.

"It's ran's turn..." Tubbo spoke and Tommy just froze and gagged.

"Uh yeah so um yeah I have an extra shift-" Tommy stumbled over his words. "BIG T NO. YOU ARENT LEAVING ME WITH RANBOOS HORRIBLE COOKING"

tubbo panicked. "FUCK TUBBO PLEASE" Tommy begged as tubbo just kept denying him leaving.

"Fine." Tommy grumbled tubbo smiled and then eyed Tommy's hair. "You'll have to bleach your roots again soon" tubbo spoke Tommy groaned.

"I know" he answered. He brushed his hand through his hair and turned to look at the royal family "you're not blond?" Phil asked and Tommy nodded "I'm a brunette, dipshit" he answered.

Techno looked at Tommy suspiciously as he took in his facial features and suddenly his eyes went wide.

What the actual fuck.

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